About one year ago one of our researchers vaildated a simple, 
protocol for addressing in-grown toenail insults.  His genral protocol I 
outline as follows:
                   Utililzing 50% strength DMSO X 10 ppm CS, using  any 
acceptable Q-Tip type applicator, THOROUGHLY moisten the side areas of the 
great toe (big toe) presenting as the aggravated area.  Additionally, if any of 
the adjacent areas or tip of the toe exhibits callousing....generously apply the
DMSO X CS solution.  Allow 5 minutes for in-soak and repeat procedure.  Allow 
an additional 10 minutes,
clean the area between the edge of the toe-nail and the adjoining flesh....on 
both sides of the toe.  There is, almost always, a build-up of dead cell tissue 
and/or calloused material present in a majority of persons over 55 years of age 
(this characteristic increases, almost exponentially among persons beyond 70
years).  Pronounced callousing on the sides and front of the great toe is quite 
common, especially among
the elder citizens (beyond 65 years).  Removal of the excessive callousing 
(using a thumb nail, preferably) is easily acomplished after the second soak 
period.  This is so even for areas originally almost as hard as plastic.  
Additionally, the calloused material is usually, deposited in layers....and 
comes of as such.  Our researcher was most pleasantly surprised by the rapid 
decline in the specific pain associated with the insulted area.....with the 
cleaning of the debris from the side/sides of the great toe.  The removal of 
the callouses from the tip and sides of the toe proved to be surprisingly easy 
to accomplish.....after the DMSO X CS soak. The re-establishment of the 
elasticity to the tissue-beds surrounding the toe nail proper, allows a return 
of the flexibility required of the tissue.....which mitigates against much of 
the attendant pain caused by the rigidity of the toe nail
and tissue interface.  Removing the calloused areas using knives, metal 
scrapers/cutters, etc., is not 
recommended......as serious conditions could manifest from careless cutting and 
removal of too much tissue. However, an acceptable alternative would be the use 
of a wooden ice cream stick for surface
callousing, and an orange-stick for cleaning the embedded material from the 
sides. If extraordinary amounts of callousing are present, just re-apply the 
DMSO X CS solution
several additional times and continue to lightly scrape away the calloused 
material until surface sensation indicates the removal of the calloused 
material.  The skin surface will then, usually, present a very flexible.....and 
comfortable, condition.  
          It is surprising how rapidly the pain subsides with the removal of 
the hardened materials
surrounding the insulted toe nail.  I offer a personal testamonial to the 
efficacy of this protocol's effectiveness.....having used it on several 
occasions, with execellent result. 
           My apologies for this lengthy post.  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.     


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