Hay I seen the dif in the time. I use it for underarms and on my hair and
other things also, so 44oz in two weeks sounded right to me.

Jack Dayton <jack...@harbornet.com> wrote:

I further messed up when I said:

> I make 44oz batches and get shutdown in about
> One and one half hours, ...
>"The result is CLEAR and stays that way
> for about 2 weeks ( I drink 2 ozs first thing in
> the morning on an empty stomach).
Now if I make 44oz and drink 2 ozs of that each day,
then it would be correct to say  THREE weeks.
44 divided by 2 = 22 and 22 divided by 7 =  - - -
and nobody corrected my arithmetic. :-)


Yours Hank. http://hdka.myecom.net/ct/ct.htm http://www.victorthorn.com/babel/issue71/wing2.html