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Today the ANH has released its ground-breaking critique of the European
Commission's proposal to impose EU-wide restrictions on maximum dosages
of vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods. These
methods are likely to form the basis for internationally agreed maximum
levels for food/dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals
through Codex Alimentarius, so they have global relevance.
Note: for full ANH Position Paper, click here.
For PDF of press release, click here.

A group of scientists and doctors, led by Scientific Director of the
Alliance for Natural Health (ANH), Dr Robert Verkerk, and ANH’s Medical
Director, Dr Damien Downing, is calling for the European Commission to
review the methods it is contemplating using to set maximum permitted
levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements and fortified foods.
The scientists claim that the methods being considered are both
“unscientific” and “flawed”.
Today the ANH unveils its position paper which explains its reasons for
criticising the Commission’s proposals, which are planned to become law
EU-wide within the next two years.  Robert Verkerk says, “The Commission
claims that its methods are scientific but we have found that they do not
stand up to scientific scrutiny”.
Under the Food Supplements Directive and Fortified Foods Regulation, the
Commission is required to propose maximum and minimum levels of vitamins
and minerals for both food supplements and fortified foods. It is
expected that the levels will be finalised in 2009 and early indications
are that Member States such as the UK, Netherlands, Sweden and Ireland,
that have until now allowed relatively high levels, might have to face
big reductions in dosages.
Dr Robert Verkerk added: “You know something is wrong when they are
thinking of limiting the dose of beta-carotene to the amount you’d find
in just two carrots, and restricting selenium to the amount present in
less than two brazil nuts. There seems to have been no attempt to test
the models against real data. If the Commission really believed these
doses might be the highest safe doses, why aren’t they screaming for
warning labels to be put on bags of carrots and brazil nuts?”
Dr Damien Downing, also President of the British Society of Ecological
Medicine and Editor of the peer reviewed scientific journal, Journal of
Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, added: “The methods are simply not
fit for purpose. It is the multiple use of safety or uncertainty factors
that further compounds the reduction of levels from so-called Safe Upper
Levels, that are often overly cautious to begin with. The resulting
maximum levels, should these be implemented in law, would prevent many
consumers from ingesting the levels of vitamins and minerals needed for
optimal health and would also greatly interfere with consumer choice.”
Jill Bell, President of the Irish Association of Health Stores, stated:
“The fact that the setting of maximum dosages for vitamins and minerals
is being based on such poor science makes a mockery of the EU’s attempts
to regulate this area.”
The ANH is meeting today in Dublin with Green Party Health Spokesperson
Senator Deirdre de Burca, as well as with the heads of other key
organizations, Nutritional Therapists of Ireland, the Irish Association
of Nutritional Therapy, the Irish Association of Health Stores and the
Irish Health Trade Association.
The ANH’s position paper includes a consideration of features that would
be required for the development of a new, scientifically valid and
proportionate risk management model.  Verkerk added: “We believe a new
model should be developed within an independent, academic setting rather
than being subject to the often conflicting pressures of industrial
stakeholders and political processes.  We are hoping that concerns about
the European Commission’s proposed approach will help it to drastically
alter its proposed approach to the determination of maximum levels, which
would otherwise be disproportionate in its effect and may in turn be
subject to legal challenge.”

Dr Robert Verkerk
Executive & Scientific Director
Alliance for Natural Health
The Atrium, Curtis Road
Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0)1306 646 600
Fax +44 (0)1306 646 552

About the European Commission’s proposal
European Commission
Discussion Paper, June 2006:
Consultation Responses to Discussion Paper:
Alliance for Natural Health
ANH Position Paper on Maximum Permitted Levels (released 24 October

ANH consultation response (September 2006):

About the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH)
The ANH was founded in 2002 and is a UK-based, internationally-active,
non-governmental organization, working to help positively shape the
regulatory and scientific framework affecting natural health. As an
alliance, the ANH brings together, globally, scientists, medical doctors,
integrative practitioners, lawyers and consumers, as well as suppliers of
food supplements and other health foods, as a means of working towards
the development of sustainable approaches to healthcare. The ANH has been
involved in extensive consultations with the World Health Organisation,
the European Commission, the European Food Safety Authority and a range
of EU Member State governments. The ANH brought a legal challenge to the
Food Supplements Directive in 2003 which was heard in the European Court
of Justice in Luxembourg in 2004-5 where it received important
The ANH is supported solely by donations. Please help us to help you by
making a donation to fund our unique and vital work. Thank 

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