Pardon me if this is a repeat. I sent it and it is in my 'sent' but never made it to the archives that I can see. Being GMAIL it won't post to my inbox of course. ==== No for 2nd try. As an experiment I'll copy & paste and send as an original posting.
It is almost unbelievable what and how much we believe about history that is totally fabricated.

On 10/18/2014 9:35 AM, phoenix23002 wrote:
*/"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William Casey, CIA Director 1981

"Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State." - James Angleton - Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974

"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo." - Harry S. Truman /
Lola H.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Ron < <>> wrote: “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” October 16, 2014

On 10/17/2014 2:53 AM, Neville wrote:
Most people out there have been "Moron conditioned", and Moron with a capital 'M', by the establishment Dee. Didn't you know that everything that appears on TV or in the newspapers or on the radio or in magazines or dribbles out of politicians mouths is the truth? Just ask anyone, most would believe anything and everything which emanates from the above. It must be true, gee, they wouldn't tell us lies, or distort the truth, or hide the facts would they? No, surely not!

It needs much more than 'luck' to get most people to see *any* picture at all let alone the bigger picture. I believe they call those who are incapable of thinking for themselves 'sheeple', well we ain't seen nuthin yet in 2014.

Welcome in the next generation of the - "Institutionalised", the mainstream conditioned "Automatons".

May I take the liberty of saying, those of us who are still capable of thinking for ourselves are a rapidly dying breed, and some are ostracised for having an attitude or still dare to question. Ummmm, and I am proud to say I would be one of the aforesaid <g>.


Subject: Re: CS>Spanish Flu - Epidemic of 1918
From: <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:12:01 +0100
To: <>

I am appalled at the amount of children suffering from cancer nowadays let alone the number of people. This was almost unheard of in my day also things like asthma and it amazes me that the powers that be do not put two and two together ie the one thing they do which they didn't then, is vaccinate six week old babies with a cocktail of poisons! Also the food of course which is soaked in poison too....dee

Sent from my iPad

On 17 Oct 2014, at 02:48, Alan Faulkner < <>> wrote:

    A friend's son is autistic. He became autistic shortly after being
    vaccinated. There are far too many cases of

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