Rowena - 
Thank you for an excellent article on Rennies and Tri-Salts.
It is a real Keeper.

Happen to have a box of ASG right here.
Which ingredient is it that you wouldn't accept?

The box reads as follows in terms of ingredients -

Ingredients of Alka Seltzer Gold

Active ingredients:
Anhydrous citric acid 1000 mg
Potassium bicarbonate 344 mg
Sodium bicarbonate (heat treated) 1050 mg

Each tablet contains:  potassium 135 mg
Each tablet contains:  sodium 309 mg

Inactive ingredients:
magnesium sterate
From: Rowena
Date: 12/13/09 07:41:16
Subject: Re: CS>Speaking of Migraines.... Rennies and Tri-salts
The experiment with the ACV and honey didn't change anything, but the
subsequent bicarbonate of soda alone appeared to arrest progress of the
migraine - it didn't get better, but it didn't get worse.
I think now I have the Trisalts formula again I shall try to track some
down.  Also look for a source of Rennies.
By the way, while I was searching I came across (but didn't keep) a
reference to Alka Seltzer Gold, which had an ingredient that I wouldn't
be willing to accept.  Forget what it was.