First, I am going to quote (in italics) the relevant part of Brooks Bradley's protocol to save you from looking it up , and I used the CMO. I couldn't find less than 20,000 units (Solaray brand) so I just doubled it and took two, they are enterically coated and so can't be divided.

"...Our protocol, in these experimental addresses, included daily quantities:

2000 mg of Bromelain enzyme
1000 mg of Boswellia  extract capsules
2000 mg Turmeric
20,000 units of Serrapeptase enzyme

This volume was divided into 2 separate before noon and the other
just before bedtime.  Measurable, additional benefit resulted from adding 1000
mg CMO (Cetyl Myristoleate)...although its addition was not as critical
as was each of the other components.

Our results for both acute and long-term inflammation, using this simple
address, exceeded----by almost one order of magnitude----the positive results
obtained from among any/all of the other candidate protocols evaluated.  I can
only layman's terms....our results were SENSATIONAL.......sometimes
yielding major improvement onset within 5 days (this in view of the fact that
some of these chronic presentations were of  5 years standing.)."

I have suffered from these "inflammations" and "spasms" from the base of my skull to the base of my spine and affecting my entire back, causing me to stay in bed and sleep 18 hours per day and sometimes more.  This has been going on for at least five years and worsening. There were times when I took pure codeine (5 - 10 mgs) in order to  sleep, as well as 20 - 60 mgs of Valium during the course of a day. 

I started Brooks protocol on 2012.11.12 at night (the ingredients came late in the day.), and I found that my stomach wasn't distressed by the ingredients.  I only took Valium that night.

A couple of hours later, I noticed that the spasms had calmed way down.  I was, needless to say, astounded.  Muscle pain still remained, but was tolerable. I slept fairly well that night, but still didn't get up until around 1pm (about 12 hours sleep).

I remained this way for about a week (a definite improvement), and then on the eighth morning, I woke up about 8am, turned over and after doing so realized, the spasms were GONE, and the muscle pain GONE.  I rolled all around, got up, bent over, reached up and feeling nothing but some minor aches and pains that I have had for decades. These are the result of being thrown from horses, off-road motorcyle spills, being rear-ended a couple of times, having an 80lb bale of hay dropped on my head, and falling out of trees when very young...totally the sense that I have lived with these and get by fine.

Understanding that this is a "support" protocol, I wasn't expecting a cure, just symptomatic relief and that is what I got.

During the following week, I  failed to take the supplements one day, and got knocked down.  Not completely back to where I was before starting, but to a place where spasms and pain were definitely back.  They disappeared by resuming taking the supplements the following day.

So, while not a "cure," this protocol certainly helped get me out of bed as well as enabling me to do things again.  Most importantly finding the root cause.  More research, and now I am capable of doing it and getting other tests to see what might be causing "it."

Thank you Brooks, I owe you big time:)



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