Heres my letter to Peter Bowditch, owner of rsoles/index.html (Yet another site that rates well because it claims that just about everything is a scam).



Hello Peter

Why do you call Colloidal Silver a fraud? What's your basis for such a claim?

It's accepted that many minerals (including metals) are essential for good health. Why then do you find it so inconceivable that small quantities of silver might not provide support for the immune system? The fact that silver kills germs 'in-vitro' and topically has been so conclusively proven that not even 'Quackwatch' disputes it. Its no great leap then to speculate that it might do the same thing inside the human body. In fact it would perhaps be more surprising if it didn't! But in fact, no theorising is necessary because hundreds of thousands of users have proven for themselves that it really does work in practice. Are we all self-deluded victims of a hoax or scam?

Perhaps you think colloidal silver is homeopathic. That's certainly not the case. The fact that there is electrolytically dissolved silver in a glass of colloidal silver is easily proven and measured using the most basic tests and instruments.

Perhaps you think that ingesting silver is a life threatening gamble with a toxic heavy metal. There's absolutely no evidence for that either. Both the US Agency for Toxic Substances and the US EPA have given silver a clean bill of health in that regard. No amount of silver ingestion has ever killed anyone.

Perhaps you think most drinkers of colloidal silver are desperate, terminally ill patients who aren't thinking straight and are prepared to try anything to stay alive. But no thats not true either. Most colloidal silver users are perfectly ordinary and healthy people who buy or make their own colloidal silver (for a few cents) simply to ward off coughs and colds.

Perhaps you believe that colloidal silver will turn you blue? If the Rosemary Jacobs case is the foundation of your belief then think again. Rosemary Jacobs never drank colloidal silver in her life. Her argyria surfaced over 50 years ago after taking silver nitrate nose drops daily for 3 or 4 years. (It's all on her site). I'll agree that Argyria is an issue that needs to be considered when taking colloidal silver, but it's easily avoided, and in spite of the claims of sites such as Quackwatch, it's extremely rare.

So what's left as evidence for your claim that colloidal silver is a fraud? I'd really like to know.

David O'Neil


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