
From: Norton, Steve 
To: 'dingyun...@att.net' <dingyun...@att.net> 
Sent: Sat Nov 21 20:05:06 2009
Subject: Re: CS>first batch of home made silver 

The Utopia Silver Bullet is designed to generate a high particle content so a 
yellow to dark yellow color color is normal. And since it does not use polarity 
reversing on the electrodes black silver oxide forming on the negative 
electrode is normal and some can mix in the CS darkening the CS more. You can 
wait for the black silver oxide to settle to the bottom and decant off the CS. 
I think your CS is normal for the Silver Bullet. 
- Steve N


From: dingyun...@att.net <dingyun...@att.net> 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Sat Nov 21 19:00:43 2009
Subject: CS>first batch of home made silver 

Hi, group,
     I used Utopia Silver Bullet first time brewing silver.  Distill water was 
tested 0.03.  While watching the machine brewing, I was surprised lots ashes 
like particles stick around two silver electrodes and the water was brownish 
color.  Is this normal?  The silver water has the reading of 15.  I was 
planning drink little SW regularly to prevent cold.  Now I dare not drink it.   
 Please explain why this happen.  Your inputs much appreciated.  Helen