Hi Ya'all,

This will make Mike Monett's allergies blow their tops!!

First some background. I had 12 one gallon jugs of of DW delivered to me
and they are all from the same plant, the same still, and bottled at the
same time. I know their date coding.

The first 2 gallon run yesterday was made using a constant voltage
supply of 36 volts. The run was for 3.5 hours, the integral of the
current from 0 to 3.5 hrs.. is 17.6278 mAHrs. The Ag+ = 13.6 ppm, the pH
is 6.98 Almost no T.E. or sparkles. The anode weight loss is 0.22 gms.
The final conductance was 65.5 uS/cm.

Today I made 2 gallon run using the same instrumentation and equipment
with the exception I added a current limiting device set to limit at
6.34 mA.

This run was for 5.5 hrs.. to reach the same conductance level of 65.5
The Ag+ = 7.92 ppm, pH = 6.42, noticeable T.E. and many sparkles. The
integral of the current  from 0 to 5.5 hrs.. is 25.159 mAHrs. The anode
weight loss is 0.10 gms.

Note the ratios:  Weight loss 0.10/0.22 = .4545.  PPM 7.92/13.6 = .5823

Considering that my 3 beam balance is only calibrated to 0.10 grams,
there appears a reasonable relationship between weight loss and the
amount of silver present.
Remember PPM is really uG/mL or a weight measure.

I wish that many of you would request the Wplot32.exe program so that
you can look at the data plot. If you just download the attached files
you can look at the data by opening the file with "notepad"

I wonder id there is ANYONE on this list that records and plots the data
that they tout on this list???

Sorry Mike, but I am not "untrustworthy" nor a "fool" nor is my data
unreliable as I have standards for everything, besides having five
independent labs verify my work.

How many labs have checked your work???

List please pardon the above but the is a level of arrogance and
ignorance that I will ot put up with.

"Ole Bob"

Attachment: 4x9 AGtest
Description: application/unknown-content-type-plt_auto_file

Attachment: 4x9 AGtest.PLT
Description: application/unknown-content-type-plt_auto_file