Brooks Bradley wrote [excerpted]: I received an Off-List email from one of
our more erudite technical researchers. . . . The gentleman's specific
objection was to my inference relating to possible radiation hazard from
leakage of the front seal of the microwave. . . . My comment was . . .
obtained from the writings of Roger Coghill (a Cambridge educated researcher
who specializes in the biological effects of magnetic fields. . . . My
statement relating to the distance interval in front of the microwave, was a
direct reference from Mr. Coghill's book on magnets (data table page 43),
given without ancillary comment or consideration of control parameters. . .
. The gentleman calling me to task . . . had prosecuted actual tests on
microwave ovens, which confirmed the safety (based upon legal requirements)
of normally functioning microwave ovens. . . . I apologize for my
shortcomings in this matter. 


Del wrote: I have tested our microwave oven . . . with our RF radiation
detector, and the leakage was off the scale of what it could read. Maybe the
newer ones are better than that?? . . . I can tell you that as a result of
taking these measurements, we no longer use the microwave, got rid of the
wi-fi (all cabled now) and got rid of the cordless phone.  



I have been meaning to write you about this for awhile. I don't think you
were remiss at all. There's plenty of research showing the dangers of
microwave ovens (entirely separate from the clear dangers of eating
microwaved food). The EM fields from microwave ovens disrupt the heart, and
have so many other negative effects besides.


Take a look at the website of Dr. Magda Havas. She also discusses mobile
phones, power lines, wi-fi, and more. I'm with you, Del!


Safety parameters based on legal considerations usually have nothing to do
with safety parameters based on biological systems or real life. Brooks, I
thank you for your diligence in researching, and your generosity in sharing
what you have learned with others.


All the best,



Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook (2009)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification
