At 01:31 PM 12/01/05, Dan wrote:

Since you know where the cold sore is going to break out,
how about just applying a dab or spray of DMSO/CS directly
on this area daily, say, right after shaving (for DH ;-)).

You would only have to do it 365 times in a year and could
probably prevent any breakouts...


Why not fix up the body system and stop getting these worrying recurring signs of a toxic body state, instead? All you do is decide whether the Pizza/pecan pie/booze/microwaved food/poisoned meat/is worth it.

Locals around my area (as usual) have been talking about the "epidemic" of heart attacks, strokes, etc etc that have been happening just lately. Same people who laugh at me for not "joining in the fun" - at LEAST at Xmas. I even skipped the New Year's Eve Booz-up. It simply is blindsided by them that it is the Xmas "festivities" alone that add millions and millions to the local medipharm businesses every year - at the same time.........


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