At 05:44 AM 21/01/05, you wrote:

Years ago the government had a program like this called Carnivore.  When
they began to use it there was an uproar and supposedly they shut it down.
Now with the Patriotic Act they can literally do anything so I imagine it is
going full tilt.

William wrote:
A better explanation could be the "Echelon Network" designed
by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and shared with the
national security agencies for Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United
Kingdom as quoted in a letter I have from U..S. Senator Rick Santorum dated
2-17-2000. It is an international surveillance system that searches for key
words in messages and forwards them to
an intelligence analyst to determine if a threat exists.......Bill.

Hi folks,
Echelon was originally a NSA international project as Bill said, but Carnivore was a product developed for the FBI to use internally (in USA) but they dropped it when they found that the universally available free "Cracking tools" used by the Skriptkiddeze ( schoolkid amateurs) were far better than their million dollar toy!

The later developments ( basically by an Australian who virtually invented the super-datamining technology) have led to numerous others,the most "secret" of which is Perihelion. Really scary. But, for most of us, the more mundane truth is as I mentioned previously - scumbags who get off on little power trips, like SpamCop .

Here is an interesting extract from only a week ago....
FBI surveillance experts have put their once-controversial Carnivore Internet surveillance tool out to pasture, preferring instead to use commercial products to eavesdrop on network traffic, according to documents released Friday.

Two <>reports to Congress obtained by the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the FBI didn't use Carnivore, or its rebranded version "DCS-1000," at all during the 2002 and 2003 fiscal years. Instead, the bureau turned to unnamed commercially-available products to conduct Internet surveillance thirteen times in criminal investigations in that period.

Carnivore became a <>hot topic among civil liberations, some network operators and many lawmakers in 2000, when an ISP's legal challenge brought the surveillance tool's existence to light. One controversy revolved around the FBI's legally-murky use of the device to obtain e-mail headers and other information without a wiretap warrant -- ***********************an issue Congress resolved by explicitly legalizing the practice in the 2001 USA PATRIOT Act.
1984 - just 20 years late, that's all...

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