MMS is mineral solution, it need an acid to bond with, Vinagar, Lemon Juice, 
I have been useing it for a while, I can't tel if I am getting any benifits yet?

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Mon, 7/7/08, bob Larson <> wrote:

From: bob Larson <>
Subject: RE: CS> MMS/CS/Teeth - Making a Difference
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 6:26 PM

that's citric acid.  can use lemon or lime juice or vinegar instead.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS> MMS/CS/Teeth - Making a Difference

I thought everyone was familiar with MMS...  when using MMS  you have to 
activate it with Citrus.  You wait 3 minutes after adding the Citrus drops to 
the MMS.  Then I added about a 1/4 C. distilled water.  Yes, I use all of it in 
one brusing.  When using MMS you need to follow the protocals.  You can google 
MMS and Jim Humble and read more about MMS.  It's a miracle product, but you 
need to be aware of proper use.
Hi Conni,
This sounds promising. What are citrus drops though? What do you mix the 
MMS and citrus drops in and do you use all of it for one brushing?
Shelli wrote:
> I believe it was last week or so that someone commented that they had 
> been brushing their teeth with MMS and were having great success.  So 
> for the last week I've been brushing my teeth with MMS (18 drops MMS 
> and Citrus Drops (5 drops for every drop of MMS)).  I'm scheduled for 
> a teeth cleaning next week and was looking forward to it as my teeth 
> were looking pretty dinge and were aching some.   I've only brushed in 
> the morning.  My teeth are 3 to 4 shades lighter and they feel really 
> clean.  You also indicated that your gums used to bleed whenever you 
> brushed; as did mine.  They no long bleed.  I've also used the dental 
> floss so that the MMS could go deeper into the gums.  I don't think my 
> teeth have looked this white in 10 years.  Can't wait to see how they 
> will long in a few months.
> Though some of you mine be interested. 
> connie

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