The MASSES did eat before grocery stores were invented.  And the argument
about the starving masses is 99% political.  People are starving en masse
because some government kicked them out of their town.  Before guns and
electricity, it would have been virtually impossible to kick people en masse
out of their towns.  The fact that the majority of the people in the world
have a back yard full of inedible grass, or a roof of a building just
sitting there doing nothing, shows that people do have the space to grow
food.  And just because people CHOOSE to not grow food does not mean they
can't.  If more people knew what a sad mess our food supply was in, they
would definitely start doing it themselves, or drive down the road to the
local farmer.  Organic farming was the only kind until about 100 or so years
ago.  We have been led to believe that we must use chemicals from the
chemical companies.  It has been a marketing ploy.  And to say that organic
farming would be cruel to the environment ... well I just don't know how you
could possibly say that with a straight face.  That's like saying the only
way to be healthy is for your doctor to regularly prescribe drugs throughout
your life.  And if you look at the amount of food that is thrown away in
some westernized cultures, you will realize that many throw away just as
much as they eat, and if used more efficiently, there is NOW enough to feed
the world.  We have a DISTRIBUTION problem, not a shortage of food problem.
Many governments subsidize our farmers to burn and destroy the crops they
grow (eg. Canada, US, etc.).


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt []
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: CS>Chelation, Plant Nutrition, Challenge

..... (snip)

   While all aspects of "organic growing" sounds good in theory, it is not
possible for food production to feed the masses.  If implemented on a large
scale, it would be cruel to the environment, exactly in the same way it
would if all humans become vegetarians.

   It is a very small percent of the population that can grow anything by
any method. Most are too lazy, afraid to sweat, and afraid of the sun, not
to mention that they don't like blisters on their hands.

   The human body was designed to produce, grow, capture, kill, run down,
trap, or otherwise acquire his own food.

    If everyone did this, there would be no world population problem.  Many
would have starved to death already.

    Buying food is the major factor leading to the downfall of a healthy
race of people.


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