I have seen arguments both for and against the regarding the claim of a
lack of minerals in modern crops. I guess I agree with those that feel
that there is a serious lack of trace minerals in modern food crops.
That is one of the reasons I use bentonite, powdered kelp and blackstrap
molasses for trace mineral supplementation. One other product I like is
humic acid for growing plants to increase their trace mineral content.
You can get humic acid cheap on eBay. Here are some interesting links
courtesy of a previous Brooks Bradley's post:

The Miracle of Remineralization 

Remineralize the Earth

 - Steve N

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Banever [mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 7:16 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>H202 - again


     Here is a study showing that organically grown foods do indeed
more nutrients, including trace minerals, than non organic foods.  Most 
studies done have been flawed and carried out by huge agribusiness


    I  know personally that when I grow my own veggies they taste better
look better than non organic varieties from the grocery.  Although this
subjective my taste buds and my eyes don't lie.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@windstream.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 3:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>H202 - again

>   Unlike in the old days of total ignorance where farmers burned out
> so bad it wouldn't even grow weeds and they had to move West, Modern 
> farmers pay a great deal of attention to supplementing soils with
> that were never even present in that soil.
>  There is no evidence that modern foods have fewer minerals in them
> old foods, if anything, the *variety* of minerals would have increased
> no two natural soil samples are the same even taken a hundred feet
> Nutrition today is vastly better than it was 100 years ago.
>  And given that the old pesticides used were mercury and arsenic
> even the nasty nerve gas based pesticides, as a bad as they are, are 
> better.
>  Mineral soils that leach are MADE of minerals and plants use enzymes
> produce acids to extract them.
> On the other hand, it takes water to be the solvent and that water has
> stay around for a while to build up mineral concentration extracted
> the finely ground up stone, plus various other microorganisms and
> also extract minerals from the rock particles and lots of organic
> will help keep the water around and support those other contributors.
> On the other other hand, you can't extract what isn't there, so 
> supplementation is a good idea in either case.
> Nothing against organic farming, it's just that the old days of
> [not counting the very few enlightened exceptions] wasn't anything
> todays organic farming and wasn't even as good as modern Agribiz which
> longer has to rely on slash and burn, then move, to get something to
>  Recall that the "Dust Bowl" was 80 years ago?
>  Those farmers came FROM the East BECAUSE the East was burned up and 
> nothing left to slash.
>  ..haven't made one since.
> And Eastern forest land has increased by around 90%.  It probably took
> years just for a short needle scrub pine to grow on all those old
> fields around here...and now, you have to weed out oaks to even grow a

> pine.
> Farming methods can use some improvement, but that doesn't mean that 
> modern Agribiz wasn't an improvement over yesteryear...which was far 
> worse... and very few people lived past 60 only 80 years ago, in large

> part due to dismal nutrition.
>  People are also taller now.
> Ode
> At 06:51 AM 4/18/2010 -0700, you wrote:
>>        70 - 100 years ago we did get our minerals from food.  The
>> is farmland has been overfarmed and farmed incorrectly which leached
>> destroyed much of the mineral content of the topsoil.  As a result
>> food is devoid of many trace minerals.  If you have a garden or farm,
>> supplement like Azomite would be great to add to the soil as
>> Your veggies would be brimming with minerals formed 40 million years
>> when these substances were in abundance.  Since factory farms don't
>> organic methods you will get only a few select minerals that might
>> grow the plants but do little for your varied needs.
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Dorothy Fitzpatrick"
>>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>>Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 5:55 AM
>>Subject: Re: CS>H202 - again
>>Concentrace ionic minerals are supposed to be good, but I personally
>>you would get most minerals from food.  After all, we would naturally 
>>drink rainwater if we didn't live near a stream--or we didn't have a
>>recycling system.  dee
>>On 18 Apr 2010, at 00:42, Leslie wrote:
>>>OK. What should I do to add some minerals. You mentioned some filter
>>>adding Clay? Would appreciate some suggestions and simple directions
>>>me and reasonable px. Thanks.
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Banever"
>>>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>>>Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:37 PM
>>>Subject: Re: CS>H202 - again
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