You might look into some alternative methods slowly replacing the

I suggest Australian Bush Flower Essences starting off with the panic
attacks.  IF it was my problem I would use ABFE Emergency Essence.  Either
directly from the dosage bottle or putting 7 drops in a 20 ounce bottle of
water and shake a few times and sip a little every few minutes till you calm
down (also contains Waratah that might help the eye pressure and pain
problem as well.  There are also essences for high blood pressure (though
you would need supervision to adjust any medication you are on as your body
becomes more balanced.  Emergency Essence is also helpful in helping with
sleeping problems by sipping before bedtime (about 20 minutes or so)  Also
good to sip while doing therapy to keep down the pain (can start before the
therapy, during and after to deal with pain)

The ABFE are not drugs so they either work or not. 
give info on what the combo like Emergency Essence have been used for in the

 I would recommend the book "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White as
this book will explain how they work and it's repertory can be helpful when
new symptoms show up what to use.
.  ISBN-10: 073380053X
This group is mostly for people using Australian Bush Flower Essences 
and will help guide you as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pat [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:12 AM
To: silver list
Subject: CS>Panic Attack

I had panic attack tonight.  It was so horrible. It went on for about 3
hours.   I've had them twice before when I had trouble breathing, but only
for 1/2 hour or so.  This one started when I used my Xalatan eye drops which
keep the pressure down.  They stung and burned so badly (they always sting
some for up to an hour) and I used soothing eye lubricant drops.  I don't
know why I couldn't tolerate the eye pain tonight.  I'm still on oxycodone 5
weeks out from my partial knee replacement, and I took one which usually
makes me sleepy.  I slept a little and then awoke and was still anxious and
could feel my heart beating hard.  My blood pressure was fairly high, so I
took a Cozaar (I'm on 25 mg/day).  I took Calcium, too thinking maybe I'm
taking too much magnesium lately.  I got up and watched tv with hubby for a
while and came back to bed and thought I'd be ok, but I still can't sleep.
I'll go take a lorazepam which I have in case I need help sleeping
 and use rarely, but that will ruin my day tomorrow.  Has anyone else had
panic attacks?  They're worse than pain or anything I've ever experienced.
I've done very well after my knee replacement.  I walk without a cane now at
home.  I guess I have quite a bit of pain because I'm doing lots of physical



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