Okay - I am poking at this again and I am completely confused as to how
to correctly compile and link the monitor.

What scripts do I need to execute to configure the path before building
and linking? ;)

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016, at 06:03, Johnny Eriksson wrote:
> > I have finally gotten my Tops-10/IPv4 stack running on the KL10, in this
> > case an instance of KLH10.  There are still issues, and there are areas
> > that need significant cleanup etc.
> Update:
> I have found and fixed a handful of small bugs, and for the moment the
> code seems to work (for the KL).  There is a disk image (in simh format)
> available on:
>   https://www.pdc.kth.se/~bygg/tops/dskg.disk.XX
> Replace XX with gz, bz2 or xz, in decreasing order of (compressed) size.
> Consider this an early beta release.
> Work will continue in my copious (hah!) free time.
> --Johnny
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