On Wed Jul 27 11:22 , Johannes Deutsch sent:
>Here's the code of the assembler file:
>#define test 16
>.section .data
>.equ k,255
>.asciz "Hallo Welt"
>.section .bss
>.comm buffer, 20
>.section .text
>.global main
>ld test, X
>ldi XL, 0
How did you build the ELF file?
What are the versions of gcc, binutils and gdb? WinAR?
I tried this:
avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -Wa,--gdwarf2 experiment.S -o experiment.elf
avr-objdump --all-headers --disassemble --source --debugging --syms
experiment.elf > experiment.listing
$ avr-gcc --versio
first of all i hope, that my question lies within the realm of validity
of this mailing-list. It's also possible, that simulavr is not the
problem. In this case i would appreciate tips for where to pose this
I just compiled the latest simulavr from the git-repository, to test