The answer to this question is - depends.
The behavior of the UAS depends on various factors -
1.UAS may send SDP in a 183 response only if has been sent reliably
(i.e. both the UAs should support PRACK)
2. If the UAS is a gateway (like PSTN gateway), it can decide to send
183 + SDP based on
Arunachala wrote:
> Doesn't RFC3960 talk about this very thing?
Yes. I knew that was out there, but didn't remember the number.
> -Arun
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Paul Kyzivat wrote:
>> Technically, SDP in any 18x only serves to indicate where media sho
2010/5/12 WORLEY, Dale R (Dale) :
> It is an infamous problem with SIP that a UAC cannot determine whether early
> media is arriving from any of the UASs -- UASs are not required to send any
> signaling before sending early media.
> However, it has recently come to my attention that almost all
From: sip-implementors-boun...@lists.cs.columbia.edu
[sip-implementors-boun...@lists.cs.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Aaron Clauson
Apologies if it's been asked previously but is there a specification
anywhere that specifies how a SIP
SIP URI host part must contain a valid numeric IP address. is a reserved address called the "default route" used for IP
routing. Allthough the SIP ABNF allows such address it is not valid
from the point of view of it's usability because it is explicilty reserved
and can't be used in IP
Apologies if it's been asked previously but is there a specification
anywhere that specifies how a SIP user agent should handle requests that
have a URI host of
It seems to be common practice to treat as a blackhole address and
therefore a request destined for that host should be