They are only locking the IP for an hour. This is bad enough for me as most
of my clients run their sip app on smart phones.
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Paul Kyzivat wrote:
> On 9/9/11 11:11 AM, Wyne Wolf wrote:
> > Never mind guys. The server is locking the account to the IP address the
On 9/12/11 12:03 PM, Francis Joanis wrote:
> Hi,
> Apologies if this has been answered before...
> I have a question about when the BYE between the Transferor and the
> Transferee is sent in the case of an unattended transfer.
> RFC 5589 says in Section 6 that "[the transferor] could emit a B
Apologies if this has been answered before...
I have a question about when the BYE between the Transferor and the
Transferee is sent in the case of an unattended transfer.
RFC 5589 says in Section 6 that "[the transferor] could emit a BYE to
the Transferee as soon as the REFER transaction co