But, I see this in RFC 3862:
2. Overall Message Structure
A complete message looks something like this:
m: Content-type: Message/CPIM
h: (message-metadata-headers)
e: (encapsulated MIME message-body)
2.4. Message Content
The final section of a Me
No , the blank line must be only before the content, in your case
"Hello World".
-Original Message-
From: sip-implementors-boun...@lists.cs.columbia.edu
[mailto:sip-implementors-boun...@lists.cs.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of ext
Nancy Greene
Sent: Friday, Septembe
Hi, I have seen this on the list before but can't find it.
Is it agreed that the RFC 5438 examples are all missing a blank line between
the CPIM headers and the Content-type for the message body?
>From RFC 5438 section (same thing is also in sections,
>,8.1 and 8.3)
> From: isshed [isshed@gmail.com]
> I have registered my UAC with AOR and Contact as follows.
> AOR: sip:1...@example.com
> Contact: sip:1234@a.b.c.d
> Then I got an INVITE with req uri and To header as follows.
> Req URI: sip:1234@a.b.c.d
> To: sip:1234@w.x.y.z
> where
> w.x.y.z
On Sep 23, 2011, at 9:23 AM, isshed wrote:
> Thank for your response Somesh...In that case should I match only userpart
> of AOR?
No, because the server might be serving multiple domains, so how can you tell
which user it really is?
Lets say I have al...@example.com and al...@example2.com,
Thank for your response Somesh...In that case should I match only userpart
of AOR?
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Shanbhag, Somesh (NSN - IN/Bangalore) <
somesh.shanb...@nsn.com> wrote:
> Typically the AOR will not be changed to the IP address. In Registrar,
> typically the FQDN of the AOR wil