Hi all

Below is an excerpt from RFC5626;
"   The sequence of reg-id values does not have to be sequential but MUST
   be exactly the same sequence of reg-id values each time the UA
   instance power cycles or reboots, so that the reg-id values will
   collide with the previously used reg-id values.  This is so the
   registrar can replace the older registrations. "

    The sequencing of reg-id helps to remove  the prev registered contacts,
in case, the UA reboots after crash. Pl correct me.

    Should reg-id be same with respect to outbound-proxy-set also?
i.e. The reg-id that is used for Proxy-1 must be same even after reboot.

Say, User first registers with P1 as primary and P2 as secondary and
the reg-id starts from 1. User registers. UA crashes and the user reboots 
now with P2 as
primary and P1 as secondary.

    i. Should the REGISTER, sent to P2, have reg-id as 2 or
    ii. shall it be 1?

Pl clarify.

Thanks in adv.

Best Regards,
Mohammed Hanifa

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