Every INVITE/re-INVITE recieved has to be acknoledged
with a final response to satisfy the transaction and other layers (Offer
answer too in this case).
Once the re-INVITE with a=inactive is recieved UAS can stop sending the RTP
rite away as it is clear that
UAC is no more intrested in listening.
> If a user agent A sends a new sdp offer with a=inactive for the audio media,
> should A user agent stop sending/receiving media RTP right after having sent
> the REINVITE, or should it wait for 200 OK response with audio inactive from
> B to do so ?
> I
Let's assume user agent A is in conversation with user agent B with audio media
in both way.
If a user agent A sends a new sdp offer with a=inactive for the audio media,
should A user agent stop sending/receiving media RTP right after having sent
the REINVITE, or should it wait for 200 O