More info:

Apparently in 4.2 WEBDAV is enabled by default for Bria Pro 
("Resource list method" under <System> in the Bria Pro phone template)
and sipx is configured to be a WEBDAV server.

Probably via the script file below an <extension>-directory.xml file is 
created automatically with ALL users in there.
Therefore all Bria Pro users will automatically get a list of all users in 
their softphone's Contacts tab.

If the content of this directory file was manageable like a phonebook, 
like defining which user groups should be in there then it would be a nice 
Now it's just a (long) list of all users including "superadmin" and 
uncontrollable if I am not mistaken.
Am I overseeing something here or is it the intention to give a complete 
users list by default.

I have changed "WEBDAV" to "Client" and now Bria is OK again (after 
deleting all the not needed users from Bria's Contacts tab). 

BTW: I use webdav on an account (/user/line) basis via a small edit in the 
line.xml and file.
Advantage being that it is based on account and not on phone, 
The webdav url is on a separate webdav server so that users have the 
to maintain their own contacts and have presence information
(although not yet XMPP, have to start playing with that).

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincères salutations

Paul Scheepens

----- Forwarded by Paul Scheepens/EPO on 22-04-2010 15:48 -----

Paul Scheepens/EPO wrote on 22-04-2010 13:38:32:

> Fw: Bria phones get full directory.xml
> Some extra info:
> The <extension>-directory.xml file can be seen under 
> <Devices><Phones>, then selecting an existing phone, non-Bria phones
> don't have all the contacts in the file.
> Also, in the mean time I found a file that seems to be responsible 
> for creating the directory.xml
> in /etc/sipxpbx/counterpath there is a file called contacts-
> resource-list.xml.vm
> Deleting it is probably not the right solution, but what is?
> Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincères salutations
> Paul Scheepens

> ----- Forwarded by Paul Scheepens/EPO on 22-04-2010 13:28 -----
> Paul Scheepens/EPO wrote on 22-04-2010 11:00:45:
> > From:
> > Paul Scheepens/EPO
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > After upgrading to 4.2 the Bria Pro 2.5 softphones we are using are 
> > getting a complete <extension>-directory.xml file that contains all 
> > users, including "superadmin".
> > There was a phonebook defined on the system, but that did not 
> > include the "administrators" group, so "superadmin" should not be 
> > present anyhow.
> > As I could not find any other cause for getting the directory.xml 
> > file I deleted the phonebook and did  a <Send Profiles>.
> > This had no effect.
> > 
> > Is it possible to control the delivery of this file and its contents?
> > 
> > BTW: The delivery of the file also messes up the contacts list in 
> > Bria, deleting already existing duplicates that had presence 
> > information attached, so we lost that as well.
> > 
> > Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Sincères salutations
> > 
> > Paul Scheepens
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