As for my experience before i tried installing sipxecs3.10 on CentOS
4 instead of CentOS 5. Installing via yum / rpm was not possible but i
was able to install it by compiling all dependencies from source but
it took me hours / days to finish the it.
You could do the same with Fedora i gues
On Wed, 2008-07-30 at 11:38 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to ask if it is possible to install sipxecs with rpms on fedora
> 9 ? Can i use these rpms created for fedora 8 ?
There are some compiler/library differences in F9 that no one has
wrestled to the ground yet.
i want to ask if it is possible to install sipxecs with rpms on fedora
9 ? Can i use these rpms created for fedora 8 ?
Thanks in advanced!
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