subtask name aarch64armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#300 crtools 1:13 failed - 1:23 48
2021-Dec-07 06:55:06 :: test-only task #291551 for sisyphus resumed by vseleznv:
#100 removed
#200 removed
#300 build 3.16.1-
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 libX11 1:58 2:55 1:14 2:191:05
2021-Dec-07 06:48:09 :: task #291550 for sisyphus started by shrek:
#100 build 1.7.3-alt1 from /people/shrek/pack
subtask name aarch64armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#200 crtools 1:14 failed - 1:25 48
2021-Dec-07 06:52:26 :: test-only task #291551 for sisyphus resumed by vseleznv:
#100 removed
#200 build 3.16.1-alt1 from /pe
subtask name aarch64armhi586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 crtools 1:15 failed failed 1:26 49
2021-Dec-07 06:49:10 :: test-only task #291551 for sisyphus started by vseleznv:
#100 build 3.16.1-alt1 from /people/vsel
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 lighttpd 2:25 3:09 1:51 2:361:49
2021-Dec-07 03:31:54 :: task #291549 for sisyphus started by taf:
#100 build 1.4.63-alt1 from /people/taf/pac
-20211206-alt1.src.rpm from sisyphus
2021-Dec-07 03:07:10 :: [ppc64le] #100 pciids-20211206-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Dec-07 03:07:10 :: [x86_64] #100 pciids-20211206-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Dec-07 03:07:10 :: [aarch64] #100 pciids-20211206-alt1.src.rpm: build start
2021-Dec-07 03:07:10
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 pciids 172611 21 10
2021-Dec-07 02:36:35 :: task #291544 for sisyphus started by cronbuild:
#100 build pciids-20211206-alt1.src.rpm
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 ghc 1:52:47 3:32:53 20:15 1:21:05 21:10
2021-Dec-07 02:29:14 :: task #291517 for sisyphus resumed by sin:
#100 build 8.6.4-alt8 from /people/sin/pack
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
ghc8.6.4: "@nobody" -> "sin @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 wm-select 44 1:0536 53 32
2021-Dec-07 00:56:25 :: task #291547 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build 0.9.9-alt1 from /people/viy/pa
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 emacs2632:55 50:41 18:4340:28 16:17
2021-Dec-06 23:25:21 :: task #291546 for p9 started by cheusov:
2021-Dec-06 23:25:21 :: message: fix
#100 build 26.1.92-alt5.
subtask name aarch64armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 qt3 11:41 failed 7:1612:386:32
2021-Dec-06 22:28:46 :: task #291543 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build 3.3.8d-alt16.nomthumb from /people/viy/packages/
2021-Dec-06 22:32:09 :: task #291400 for sisyphus resumed by ldv:
#100 build 5.2.5-alt3.1 from /people/ilyakurdyukov/packages/xz.git fetched at
2021-Dec-04 16:18:36
2021-Dec-06 22:32:09 :: [aarch64] #100 xz.git 5.2.5-alt3
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 perl-Math-Prime-Util 1:01 1:3034 1:06 31
2021-Dec-06 22:08:12 :: task #291541 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build perl-Mat
subtask name aarch64armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 perl-Math-Prime-Util failed failed48 failed 44
2021-Dec-06 19:57:35 :: task #291535 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build perl-Math-Prime-Util-0
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 libgupnp1.2 1:05 1:3244 1:16 42
2021-Dec-06 20:43:51 :: task #291540 for sisyphus started by aris:
#100 build
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Igor Vlasenko:
ctags: "viy @everybody" -> "@nobody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 ctags 365222 42 21
2021-Dec-06 20:35:34 :: task #291539 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build 5.8-alt3 from /people/viy/packages/cta
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
ctags: "@nobody" -> "viy @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64armhi586 ppc64le x86_64
#200 qt3failed failed failed failed failed
2021-Dec-06 20:23:47 :: test-only task #291537 for sisyphus resumed by nbr:
#100 removed
#200 build 3.3.8d-alt16 from /people/n
subtask name aarch64armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 qt3 11:45 failed 7:0712:506:20
2021-Dec-06 20:17:11 :: task #291534 for sisyphus resumed by viy:
#100 build 3.3.8d-alt16 from /people/viy/packages/qt3.git fetched
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 lrmi- -22- -
2021-Dec-06 20:12:46 :: task #291536 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build lrmi-0.10-alt5.src.rpm
2021-Dec-06 20:12
subtask name aarch64 armhi586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 qt3failed - failed failed failed
2021-Dec-06 20:13:30 :: test-only task #291537 for sisyphus started by nbr:
#100 build 3.3.8d-alt16 from /people/nbr/packages/qt3.g
subtask name aarch64armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 qt3 11:35 failed 7:1112:386:30
2021-Dec-06 19:56:21 :: task #291534 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build 3.3.8d-alt16 from /people/viy/packages/qt3.git fetched
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
scim-m17n: CREATED -> "viy @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 scim-m17n 54 1:2133 1:03 31
2021-Dec-06 19:34:15 :: task #291533 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build scim-m17n-0.2.3-alt3_27.src.rp
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 scim-m17n 54 1:1933 1:03 32
2021-Dec-06 19:30:40 :: task #291532 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build scim-m17n-0.2.3-alt2_27.src.rpm
2021-Dec-06 19:3
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 ghc 1:50:07 3:21:52 20:15 1:20:40 21:06
2021-Dec-06 15:56:46 :: test-only task #291517 for sisyphus started by sin:
#100 build 8.6.4-alt8 from /people/sin/packages/ghc
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#400 setup-serial-console 192712 21 12
2021-Dec-06 19:08:48 :: test-only task #291531 for sisyphus resumed by antohami:
#100 removed
#200 remo
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#200 setup-serial-console 192712 21 12
2021-Dec-06 18:44:39 :: test-only task #291531 for sisyphus resumed by antohami:
#100 removed
#200 buil
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-setuptools_rust 324718 36 17
2021-Dec-06 18:20:01 :: task #291530 for sisyphus started by cow:
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-liblarch 274016 31 15
2021-Dec-06 18:15:56 :: task #291528 for sisyphus started by cow:
#100 build 3.
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 perl-HTML-Template-Pro 294618 34 18
2021-Dec-06 18:11:24 :: task #291527 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build perl
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-dotenv 284216 32 15
2021-Dec-06 18:07:23 :: task #291526 for sisyphus started by cow:
#100 build 0.19.2
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 htmltmplpro 59 1:2241 1:09 39
2021-Dec-06 18:03:14 :: task #291524 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-docker 324918 37 18
2021-Dec-06 17:58:46 :: task #291523 for sisyphus started by cow:
#100 build 5.0.3-
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 setup-serial-console 192712 21 12
2021-Dec-06 17:58:46 :: test-only task #291531 for sisyphus started by antohami:
#100 build 0.1-alt1 fr
subtask name aarch64armhi586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 grep15:43 failed failed26:028:48
2021-Dec-06 17:33:39 :: test-only task #291525 for sisyphus started by ldv:
2021-Dec-06 17:33:39 :: message: test rebuild
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-texttable 284316 31 16
2021-Dec-06 17:53:06 :: task #291529 for sisyphus started by cow:
#100 build
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-test-construct: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-virt-who-configure: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-server-sent-events: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-smart-proxy-remote-execution-ssh: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-minitest-spec-context: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-redfish-client: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-templates: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-remote-execution: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-smart-proxy-salt: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-foreman-setup: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-puppet: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-salt: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-ssh: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-tasks: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-statistics: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-discovery: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-ansible: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-hammer-cli-foreman-admin: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
gem-foreman-puppet: CREATED -> "majioa @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 vhttpd 1:06 1:2943 1:16 42
#200 alterator-fbi 50 1:2430 1:19 30
#300 alterator-ldap-users
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 perl-Gear-Remotes 41 1:0024 48 23
2021-Dec-06 17:07:05 :: task #291521 for p10 started by cronport:
2021-Dec-06 17:07:05 :: message: croncopy
subtask namei586 x86_64
#100 pciids26 25
2021-Dec-06 17:07:09 :: task #291522 for p8 started by cronport:
2021-Dec-06 17:07:09 :: message: croncopy
#100 build pciids-20211129-alt1.src.rpm from sisyphus
2021-Dec-06 17:07:
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le
#41000 duplicity 55 1:20 33 1:04
#41100 python3-module-cbor248 1:03 25
2021-Dec-06 16:33:17 :: task #291175 for p9 resumed by snowmix:
2021-Dec-06 16:33:17 :: message: croncopy
#100 build pciids-20211129-alt1.src.rpm from sisyphus
2021-Dec-06 16:33:18 :: [i586] #100 pciids-20211129-alt1.src.r
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#200 cve-manager-inner-knowledge- - -- 20
2021-Dec-06 16:29:54 :: task #291480 for sisyphus resumed by alexey:
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#200 pulseaudio-module-xrdp 1:22 1:5750 1:39 45
2021-Dec-06 16:21:42 :: task #290600 for p10 resumed by amakeenk:
2021-Dec-06 16:
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 kernel-source-5.1220:14 35:25 10:3320:419:12
#200 kernel-image-mp6:14 8:40 -- -
2021-Dec-06 15:32
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 firefox35:43 58:11 23:1637:58 18:51
2021-Dec-06 15:12:08 :: test-only task #291513 for sisyphus started by cas:
#100 build esr/91.4.0-alt1 from /people/cas/packa
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 emacs32:42 52:18 18:3439:21 15:38
2021-Dec-06 16:05:04 :: task #291512 for sisyphus started by sbolshakov:
#100 build 26.3-alt14 from /people/sbo
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 monitorix 44 1:3324 51 22
2021-Dec-06 16:09:56 :: test-only task #291519 for sisyphus started by liannnix:
#100 build 3.13.1-alt1 from /people/liannnix
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 perl-Gear-Remotes 405823 46 23
2021-Dec-06 15:57:26 :: task #291518 for sisyphus started by viy:
#100 build 0.027-alt1 fro
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Alexey Shabalin:
cloud-init: "shaba obirvalger @everybody" -> "shaba obirvalger"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Alexey Shabalin:
cloud-init: "shaba @everybody" -> "shaba obirvalger @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 glib-networking 48 1:0829 53 27
2021-Dec-06 15:45:38 :: task #291515 for sisyphus started by aris:
#100 build glib-networking-2
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#300 elilo - - -- 27
#400 fwupd 3:26 5:09 2:03 3:502:02
#500 efitools 34 5119- 19
2021-Dec-06 15:42:35 :: task #291514 for sisyphus resumed by liannnix:
#100 build 3.13.1-alt1 from /people/liannnix/packages/monitorix.git fetched at
2021-Dec-06 15:36:23
2021-Dec-06 15:42:35 :: [aarch64] #100 monitorix.git 3.13.1-alt1: bu
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 monitorix 46 1:0624 51 23
2021-Dec-06 15:36:25 :: test-only task #291514 for sisyphus started by liannnix:
#100 build 3.13.1-alt1 from /people/liannnix
2021-Dec-06 15:33:29 :: task #290508 for p10 resumed by snowmix:
2021-Dec-06 15:33:29 :: message: critical bug 41418 fixed
#100 build 0.5.0-alt2 from /gears/b/bubblewrap.git fetched at 2021-Nov-24
2021-Dec-06 15:
2021-Dec-06 15:27:14 :: task #291507 for p10 resumed by sem:
2021-Dec-06 15:27:14 :: message: bugfix_release
#100 build 1.3.6-alt1 from /people/sem/packages/alterator-sysconfig.git fetched
at 2021-Dec-06 14:48:36
2021-Dec-06 15:27:15 :: [i
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 branding 1:15 1:44 1:24 1:251:24
2021-Dec-06 15:05:45 :: task #291510 for p10 started by sem:
2021-Dec-06 15:05:45 :: message: new_version
#100 build alt-workst
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
python3-module-sagenb-export: CREATED -> "lvol @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#40 python3-module-sagenb-export 45 1:0531 52 28
2021-Dec-06 15:05:44 :: task #291506 for sisyphus resumed by lvol:
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 branding 1:15 1:39 1:25 1:241:23
2021-Dec-06 14:59:41 :: task #291508 for sisyphus started by sem:
#100 build alt-workstation/10.0-alt2 from /
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 alterator-sysconfig 233513 26 13
2021-Dec-06 14:58:41 :: test-only task #291507 for p10 started by sem:
#100 build 1.3.6-alt1 from /people
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-django-environ 304618 36 17
2021-Dec-06 14:55:59 :: test-only task #291511 for p10 started by fruktime:
#100 buil
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 alterator-sysconfig 233614 28 13
2021-Dec-06 14:55:10 :: task #291505 for sisyphus started by sem:
#100 build 1.3.6-alt1
2021-Dec-06 14:50:45 :: task #291500 for sisyphus resumed by liannnix:
#100 build 21.4-alt2 from /people/liannnix/packages/cloud-init.git fetched at
2021-Dec-06 13:22:57
ssh: muxclient: master hello exchange failed
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 python3-module-sagenb-export 43 1:0531 52 29
2021-Dec-06 14:48:35 :: test-only task #291506 for sisyphus started by lvol:
#100 build
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 kde5-connect 3:22 5:21 2:12 3:452:04
2021-Dec-06 14:34:20 :: task #291502 for p10 started by zerg:
2021-Dec-06 14:34:20 :: message: issue_11695
#100 build 2
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#600 kernel-modules-e1000e-un-def- - -- 30
2021-Dec-06 14:05:43 :: task #291070 for p9 resumed by amakeenk:
2021-Dec-06 14:45:35 :: task #291503 for sisyphus resumed by kastet:
#100 build 0.10.4-alt1 from /people/kastet/packages/latte-dock.git fetched at
2021-Dec-06 14:27:38
2021-Dec-06 14:45:36 :: [ppc64le] #100 latte-dock.git
2021-Dec-06 14:41:32 :: task #291494 for sisyphus resumed by cas:
#100 build 1.1.0-alt2 from /people/cas/packages/solaar.git fetched at
2021-Dec-06 12:55:05
2021-Dec-06 14:41:33 :: [i586] #100 solaar.git 1.1.0-alt2: build
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 latte-dock 2:46 4:37 1:41 3:221:29
2021-Dec-06 14:27:54 :: test-only task #291503 for sisyphus started by kastet:
#100 build 0.10.4-alt1 from /people/kastet/p
2021-Dec-06 14:34:40 :: task #291203 for sisyphus resumed by fruktime:
#100 build 0.8.1-alt1 from
/people/fruktime/packages/python3-module-django-environ.git fetched at
2021-Dec-06 13:45:14
2021-Dec-06 14:34:40 :: [aarch
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Girar Administrator:
python3-module-django-environ: CREATED -> "fruktime @everybody"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 kde5-connect 3:17 5:15 2:10 3:422:02
2021-Dec-06 14:27:35 :: task #291501 for sisyphus started by zerg:
#100 build 21.08.3-alt2 from /peop
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#300 freecad40:42 1:02:55 23:0039:12 19:20
2021-Dec-06 14:18:39 :: task #291468 for sisyphus resumed by cas:
#100 removed
#200 removed
#300 build
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 perl-Logoved-DB 50 1:1332 1:00 30
2021-Dec-06 14:12:09 :: task #291097 for p10 resumed by amakeenk:
2021-Dec-06 14:12:09 :: messa
subtask nameaarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#200 python3-module-PySide2 7:29 13:23 8:0510:156:33
2021-Dec-06 13:29:47 :: task #290460 for p10 resumed by amakeenk:
2021-Dec-06 1
Dear everybody group!
You have been engaged in ACL change(s) initiated by Yuri Sedunov:
gmdb2: "aris @everybody" -> "aris"
Rgrds, your Girar ACL robot
Sisyphus-incominger mailing list
1 - 100 of 147 matches
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