2024-Oct-24 12:40:59 :: task #358357 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
#100 removed
#200 removed
#300 removed
#400 removed
#500 removed
#600 removed
#700 removed
#1000 removed
#1100 removed
#1200 removed
#1300 removed
#1400 re
2024-Aug-21 11:37:41 :: task #355682 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
#100 build 1.1.6-alt3 from /people/kaf/packages/podsec.git fetched at
2024-Aug-21 10:36:44
2024-Aug-21 11:37:43 :: [i586] #100 podsec.git 1.1.6-alt3: build
2024-Jun-11 16:24:05 :: task #350829 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
2024-Jun-11 16:24:05 :: message: need to update in c10f2, cannot update in
girar-check-perms: access to podsec ALLOWED for mike: project leader we
2024-May-31 09:20:00 :: task #349451 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
#100 removed
#200 removed
#300 build 1.0.10-alt9 from /people/kaf/packages/podsec.git fetched at
2024-May-27 13:33:06
2024-May-31 09:20:02 :: [x86_64] #300
2024-Jan-10 13:00:53 :: task #337878 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
#100 build 1.0.10-alt1 from /people/kaf/packages/podsec.git fetched at
2024-Jan-09 09:52:02
2024-Jan-10 13:00:54 :: [ppc64le] #100 podsec.git 1.0.10-alt1:
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#300 haproxy 1:00 1:28 1:44 1:10 55
2021-Mar-11 13:27:25 :: task #266595 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
#100 removed
#200 removed
#300 build 2.3.5-alt
subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64
#100 osinfo-db 233822 28 46
2021-Mar-11 13:23:19 :: task #267610 for sisyphus resumed by kaf:
#100 build osinfo-db-20201218-alt1.src.rpm