[#362024] DONE cockpit.git=311.1-alt3

2024-11-08 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/362024/logs/events.1.3.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 cockpit 7:06 5:1711:292:45 2024-Nov-08 14:50:56 :: task #362024 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 311.1-alt3 from /people/slev/packages/cockpit

[#361996] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.5.0-alt1

2024-11-08 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361996/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Nov-08 08:24:32 :: task #361996 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.5.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-uv.git fetched at 2024-Nov-08 07:35:05 2024-Nov-08 08:24:34 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-modul

[#361874] DONE (try 2) python3-module-setuptools.git=75.3.0-alt1 emonoda.git=2.1.37-alt2

2024-11-07 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361874/logs/events.2.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #200 emonoda 1:0039 1:04 37 2024-Nov-07 12:54:19 :: task #361874 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 75.3.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python

[#361949] DONE opendnssec.git=2.1.14-alt2

2024-11-07 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361949/logs/events.1.1.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 opendnssec 2:29 1:17 2:101:11 2024-Nov-07 14:44:45 :: task #361949 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 2.1.14-alt2 from /people/slev/packages/

[#361778] DONE (try 4) python3-module-nbmake.git=1.5.4-alt1 ...

2024-11-07 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361778/logs/events.4.1.log 2024-Nov-07 14:18:01 :: task #361778 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 removed #140 build 1.5.4-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-nbmake.git fetched at 2024-Nov-07 13:16:16 #200 build 5.1.0-alt1 from /peopl

[#361782] DONE (try 3) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.30-alt1

2024-11-07 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361782/logs/events.3.1.log 2024-Nov-07 12:46:25 :: task #361782 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 removed #200 build 0.4.30-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-uv.git fetched at 2024-Nov-07 11:47:35 2024-Nov-07 12:46:26 :: [x86_64] #200

[#361900] DONE (try 2) python3-module-changelog-chug.git=0.0.3-alt1

2024-11-07 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361900/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Nov-07 12:22:42 :: task #361900 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.0.3-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-changelog-chug.git fetched at 2024-Nov-07 07:41:13 2024-Nov-07 12:22:43 :: [x86_64] #100

[#361834] DONE (try 2) python3-module-watchdog.git=6.0.0-alt1

2024-11-06 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361834/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Nov-06 11:44:16 :: task #361834 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 6.0.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-watchdog.git fetched at 2024-Nov-06 11:10:48 2024-Nov-06 11:44:17 :: [i586] #100 python3-m

[#361781] DONE (try 2) python3-module-sybil.git=8.0.1-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361781/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Nov-05 22:39:26 :: task #361781 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 8.0.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-sybil.git fetched at 2024-Nov-05 21:40:10 2024-Nov-05 22:39:28 :: [aarch64] #100 python3-m

[#361780] DONE (try 2) python3-module-rich.git=13.9.4-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361780/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Nov-05 22:27:34 :: task #361780 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 13.9.4-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-rich.git fetched at 2024-Nov-05 21:33:05 2024-Nov-05 22:27:36 :: [aarch64] #100 python3-m

[#361771] DONE (try 2) python3-module-flit.git=3.10.1-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361771/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Nov-05 21:13:46 :: task #361771 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 3.10.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-flit.git fetched at 2024-Nov-05 16:17:14 2024-Nov-05 21:13:48 :: [aarch64] #100 python3-m

[#361774] DONE (try 2) python3-module-toml-fmt-common.git=1.0.1-alt1 ...

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361774/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Nov-05 20:39:28 :: task #361774 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-toml-fmt-common.git fetched at 2024-Nov-05 17:11:21 #200 build 2.5.0-alt1 from /people/s

[#361746] DONE (try 2) python3-module-zope.exceptions.git=5.2-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361746/logs/events.2.1.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-zope.exceptions 4530 51 30 2024-Nov-05 20:31:56 :: task #361746 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build

[#361772] DONE (try 2) python3-module-moto.git=5.0.20-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361772/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-moto 2:40 1:45 3:101:35 2024-Nov-05 20:19:21 :: task #361772 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 5.0.20-alt1 from /peo

[#361090] DONE (try 2) python3-module-virtualenv.git=20.27.1-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361090/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-virtualenv 1:44 1:07 1:541:02 2024-Nov-05 20:03:59 :: task #361090 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 20.27.1-a

[#361089] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pytest-benchmark.git=5.0.0-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361089/logs/events.2.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-pytest-benchmark 7:20 7:14 7:537:11 2024-Nov-05 16:33:47 :: task #361089 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 bui

[#361747] DONE (try 2) python3-module-croniter.git=5.0.1-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_353/361747/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-croniter 4830 52 30 2024-Nov-05 16:21:04 :: task #361747 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 5.0.1-alt1 fr

[#361076] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pyproject-fmt.git=2.4.3-alt1 ...

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361076/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-pyproject-fmt 2:07 1:23 2:231:13 2024-Nov-05 15:16:57 :: task #361076 for sisyphus resumed by slev: 2024-Nov-05 15

[#361014] DONE (try 2) python3-module-setuptools.git=75.2.0-alt1

2024-11-05 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361014/logs/events.2.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-setuptools 9:36 4:43 8:264:21 2024-Nov-05 12:48:07 :: task #361014 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 75.2.0-al

[#361013] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.27-alt1

2024-10-29 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361013/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-29 08:00:31 :: task #361013 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.4.27-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-uv.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 14:28:37 2024-Oct-29 08:00:33 :: [i586] #100 python3-module

[#361010] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pip.git=24.3.1-alt1

2024-10-29 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361010/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-29 07:53:11 :: task #361010 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 24.3.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-pip.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 14:07:52 2024-Oct-29 07:53:13 :: [i586] #100 python3-modul

[#361007] DONE (try 2) python3-module-quart.git=0.19.8-alt1

2024-10-28 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361007/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-28 14:32:17 :: task #361007 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.19.8-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-quart.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 13:48:10 2024-Oct-28 14:32:19 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-m

[#361006] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pytest-randomly.git=3.16.0-alt1

2024-10-28 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361006/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-28 14:21:52 :: task #361006 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 3.16.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-pytest-randomly.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 13:40:39 2024-Oct-28 14:21:53 :: [i586] #100

[#361003] DONE (try 2) python3-module-license-expression.git=30.4.0-alt1

2024-10-28 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361003/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-28 13:52:01 :: task #361003 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 30.4.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-license-expression.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 13:23:26 2024-Oct-28 13:52:03 :: [x86_64]

[#361002] DONE (try 2) python3-module-croniter.git=4.0.0-alt1

2024-10-28 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/361002/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-28 13:34:47 :: task #361002 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 4.0.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-croniter.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 13:19:33 2024-Oct-28 13:34:49 :: [i586] #100 python3-m

[#360980] DONE (try 2) python3-module-stdlibs.git=2024.10.25-alt1

2024-10-28 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360980/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-28 13:05:10 :: task #360980 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2024.10.25-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-stdlibs.git fetched at 2024-Oct-28 11:05:49 2024-Oct-28 13:05:12 :: [i586] #100 pytho

[#360741] DONE (try 2) python3-module-changelog-chug.git=0.0.2-alt1 ...

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360741/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-25 17:29:22 :: task #360741 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.0.2-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-changelog-chug.git fetched at 2024-Oct-25 16:18:50 #200 build 3.1.0-alt1 from /people/sle

[#358755] DONE (try 4) python3-module-setuptools.git=75.1.0-alt1

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_350/358755/logs/events.4.3.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #300 python3-module-setuptools 7:48 4:47 8:264:17 2024-Oct-25 15:49:27 :: task #358755 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 removed #200 re

[#360712] DONE (try 2) python3-module-yelp-encodings.git=2.0.0-alt1 ...

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360712/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-25 14:59:17 :: task #360712 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-yelp-encodings.git fetched at 2024-Oct-25 13:27:37 #200 build 0.4.4-alt1 from /people/sle

[#360705] DONE python3-module-smmap.git=5.0.1-alt2

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360705/logs/events.1.3.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-smmap 4832 1:05 29 2024-Oct-25 13:12:44 :: task #360705 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 5.0.1-alt2 from /pe

[#360695] DONE python3-module-shapely.git=2.0.6-alt2

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360695/logs/events.1.1.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-shapely 1:3358 1:44 54 2024-Oct-25 12:38:14 :: task #360695 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 2.0.6-alt2 from

[#360674] DONE python3-module-serpent.git=1.41-alt2

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360674/logs/events.1.3.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-serpent 1:0226 42 25 2024-Oct-25 11:46:13 :: task #360674 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 1.41-alt2 from

[#360668] DONE python3-module-scour.git=0.38.2-alt2

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360668/logs/events.1.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-scour 5725 40 24 2024-Oct-25 11:02:32 :: task #360668 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 0.38.2-alt2 from /p

[#360665] DONE python3-module-qpageview.git=0.6.2-alt2

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360665/logs/events.1.3.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-qpageview 5742 1:07 41 2024-Oct-25 10:57:43 :: task #360665 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 0.6.2-alt2

[#360661] DONE python3-module-pyuv.git=1.4.0-alt5

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360661/logs/events.1.3.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-pyuv 1:1551 1:20 47 2024-Oct-25 09:54:59 :: task #360661 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 1.4.0-alt5 from /peop

[#360655] DONE (try 2) python3-module-validate-pyproject.git=0.22-alt1

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360655/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-25 09:48:52 :: task #360655 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.22-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-validate-pyproject.git fetched at 2024-Oct-25 09:12:51 2024-Oct-25 09:48:53 :: [aarch64] #

[#360654] DONE (try 2) python3-module-ufmt.git=2.8.0-alt1

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360654/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-25 09:42:54 :: task #360654 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.8.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-ufmt.git fetched at 2024-Oct-25 09:06:50 2024-Oct-25 09:42:55 :: [i586] #100 python3-modul

[#360651] DONE (try 2) python3-module-tinycss2.git=1.4.0-alt1

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360651/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-25 09:24:30 :: task #360651 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.4.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-tinycss2.git fetched at 2024-Oct-25 09:01:17 2024-Oct-25 09:24:32 :: [x86_64] #100 python3

[#360608] DONE (try 2) python3-module-netius.git=1.20.0-alt1

2024-10-25 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360608/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-25 08:24:46 :: task #360608 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.20.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-netius.git fetched at 2024-Oct-24 16:46:07 2024-Oct-25 08:24:47 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-

[#360600] DONE (try 2) python3-module-serial.git=3.5-alt3 ...

2024-10-24 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360600/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-serial 5930 1:01 30 #200 python3-module-junos-eznc 1:1242 1:08 40 2024-Oct-24 16:10:00

[#360520] DONE (try 2) opendnssec.git=2.1.14-alt1

2024-10-24 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360520/logs/events.2.2.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 opendnssec 2:10 1:26 2:221:18 2024-Oct-24 14:21:06 :: task #360520 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.1.14-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/

[#360590] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.26-alt1

2024-10-24 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360590/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-24 12:35:02 :: task #360590 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.4.26-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-uv.git fetched at 2024-Oct-24 10:15:12 2024-Oct-24 12:35:05 :: [ppc64le] #100 python3-mod

[#360585] DONE (try 2) python3-module-silx.git=2.1.2-alt1

2024-10-24 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360585/logs/events.2.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-silx 9:33 5:2610:184:48 2024-Oct-24 12:14:34 :: task #360585 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.1.2-alt1 from /peop

[#360587] DONE (try 2) python3-module-zope.interface.git=7.1.1-alt1

2024-10-24 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360587/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-24 12:07:54 :: task #360587 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 7.1.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-zope.interface.git fetched at 2024-Oct-24 09:39:56 2024-Oct-24 12:07:55 :: [x86_64] #100

[#360580] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pdm-backend.git=2.4.3-alt1

2024-10-24 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360580/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-24 09:18:09 :: task #360580 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.4.3-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-pdm-backend.git fetched at 2024-Oct-24 08:47:40 2024-Oct-24 09:18:11 :: [x86_64] #100 pyth

[#360509] DONE (try 2) apache2-mod_wsgi.git=5.0.1-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360509/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 16:45:37 :: task #360509 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 5.0.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/apache2-mod_wsgi.git fetched at 2024-Oct-23 09:00:46 2024-Oct-23 16:45:39 :: [ppc64le] #100 apache2-mod_w

[#360555] DONE (try 2) python3-module-littleutils.git=0.2.4-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360555/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 17:27:36 :: task #360555 for sisyphus resumed by slev: girar-check-perms: access to python3-module-littleutils ALLOWED for slev: project leader welcomes random builders check-subtask-perms: #100: python3-modul

[#360556] DONE python3-module-markdown-checklist.git=0.4.4-alt2

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360556/logs/events.1.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-markdown-checklist 3825 40 25 2024-Oct-23 17:30:24 :: task #360556 for sisyphus started by slev: #100

[#360526] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pyproject-metadata.git=0.9.0-alt1 ...

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360526/logs/events.2.2.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #200 python3-module-mesonpy 2:08 1:17 2:181:11 2024-Oct-23 15:00:22 :: task #360526 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.9.0-alt1 from

[#360536] DONE (try 2) python3-module-jsondiff.git=2.2.1-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360536/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 14:51:43 :: task #360536 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.2.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-jsondiff.git fetched at 2024-Oct-23 12:19:15 2024-Oct-23 14:51:45 :: [i586] #100 python3-m

[#360539] DONE del=python3-module-ladon

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360539/logs/events.1.1.log 2024-Oct-23 12:43:51 :: task #360539 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-23 12:43:51 :: message: unmaintained_and_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-ladon 2024-Oct-23 12:43:54 :: build check OK 2024-Oct-23 12:43:54 :: no

[#360524] DONE (try 2) python3-module-rich.git=13.9.3-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360524/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 12:39:50 :: task #360524 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 13.9.3-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-rich.git fetched at 2024-Oct-23 10:29:14 2024-Oct-23 12:39:52 :: [aarch64] #100 python3-m

[#360522] DONE (try 2) python3-module-mypy.git=1.13.0-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360522/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 11:50:45 :: task #360522 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.13.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-mypy.git fetched at 2024-Oct-23 10:26:47 2024-Oct-23 11:50:46 :: [i586] #100 python3-modu

[#360529] DONE del=python3-module-jsondatabase del=python3-module-repoze.zcml ...

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360529/logs/events.1.1.log 2024-Oct-23 11:17:16 :: task #360529 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-23 11:17:16 :: message: unmaintained_and_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-jsondatabase #200 delete python3-module-repoze.zcml #300 delete python3

[#360454] DONE (try 2) python3-module-isodate.git=0.7.2-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360454/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 09:39:09 :: task #360454 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.7.2-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-isodate.git fetched at 2024-Oct-22 16:53:24 2024-Oct-23 09:39:11 :: [aarch64] #100 python3

[#360449] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.25-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360449/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-uv18:22 11:2518:458:43 2024-Oct-23 08:41:07 :: task #360449 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.4.25-alt1 from /peopl

[#360447] DONE (try 2) python3-module-trove-classifiers.git=2024.10.21.16-alt1

2024-10-23 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360447/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-23 08:30:42 :: task #360447 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2024.10.21.16-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-trove-classifiers.git fetched at 2024-Oct-22 15:17:36 2024-Oct-23 08:30:44 :: [x8

[#360451] DONE python3-module-ipdb.git=0.13.13-alt2

2024-10-22 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_352/360451/logs/events.1.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-ipdb 1:0649 1:17 46 2024-Oct-22 15:54:47 :: task #360451 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 0.13.13-alt2 from /pe

[#360443] DONE (try 2) python3-module-httptools.git=0.6.4-alt1

2024-10-22 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360443/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-22 15:29:47 :: task #360443 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.6.4-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-httptools.git fetched at 2024-Oct-22 15:08:32 2024-Oct-22 15:29:49 :: [x86_64] #100 python

[#360416] DONE python3-module-grpcio-tools.git=1.64.0-alt2

2024-10-22 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360416/logs/events.1.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-grpcio-tools 3:27 2:04 3:001:57 2024-Oct-22 12:00:49 :: task #360416 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 1.64.

[#360413] DONE python3-module-grpcio.git=1.64.0-alt2

2024-10-22 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360413/logs/events.1.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-grpcio 8:30 4:29 7:334:07 2024-Oct-22 11:30:00 :: task #360413 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 1.64.0-alt2 from

[#360309] DONE (try 4) bind.git=9.18.31-alt1 bind-dyndb-ldap.git=11.10-alt8

2024-10-22 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360309/logs/events.4.3.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 bind 12:33 11:1916:34 10:31 #200 bind-dyndb-ldap 1:09 43 1:11 41 2024-Oct-22 08:28:36 :: task #360309 for sisyph

[#360383] DONE del=python3-module-chai

2024-10-22 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360383/logs/events.1.1.log 2024-Oct-22 08:01:43 :: task #360383 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-22 08:01:43 :: message: unmaintained_and_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-chai 2024-Oct-22 08:01:46 :: build check OK 2024-Oct-22 08:01:46 :: noa

[#360341] DONE (try 2) python3-module-file-read-backwards.git=3.1.0-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360341/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-21 16:13:21 :: task #360341 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 3.1.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-file-read-backwards.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 16:05:41 2024-Oct-21 16:13:23 :: [i586] #1

[#360342] DONE del=python3-module-genty

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360342/logs/events.1.1.log 2024-Oct-21 16:08:52 :: task #360342 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-21 16:08:52 :: message: unmaintained_project_and_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-genty 2024-Oct-21 16:08:55 :: build check OK 2024-Oct-21 16:08:

[#360340] DONE python3-module-scikits.bootstrap.git=1.1.0-alt6 del=python3-module-erf

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360340/logs/events.1.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-scikits.bootstrap 4429 48 29 2024-Oct-21 15:32:54 :: task #360340 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-O

[#360335] DONE (try 2) python3-module-trove-classifiers.git=2024.10.16-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360335/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-21 15:28:42 :: task #360335 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2024.10.16-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-trove-classifiers.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 14:37:35 2024-Oct-21 15:28:43 :: [ppc64

[#360337] DONE del=python3-module-bda.cache del=python3-module-bda.calendar.base

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360337/logs/events.1.1.log 2024-Oct-21 14:47:30 :: task #360337 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-21 14:47:30 :: message: unmaintained_and_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-bda.cache #200 delete python3-module-bda.calendar.base 2024-Oct-21 14:4

[#360328] DONE python3-module-axolotl.git=0.2.3-alt2

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360328/logs/events.1.2.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-axolotl 3925 41 26 2024-Oct-21 13:18:31 :: task #360328 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 0.2.3-alt2 from

[#360315] DONE (try 2) python3-module-parse_type.git=0.6.4-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360315/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-21 13:01:39 :: task #360315 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.6.4-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-parse_type.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 12:02:36 2024-Oct-21 13:01:40 :: [x86_64] #100 pytho

[#360325] DONE python3-module-axolotl-curve25519.git=0.4.1.post2-alt2

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360325/logs/events.1.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-axolotl-curve25519 4733 52 32 2024-Oct-21 12:53:04 :: task #360325 for sisyphus started by slev: #100

[#360310] DONE (try 2) python3-module-factory_boy.git=3.3.1-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360310/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-21 12:45:11 :: task #360310 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 3.3.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-factory_boy.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 10:52:15 2024-Oct-21 12:45:13 :: [aarch64] #100 pyt

[#360306] DONE (try 2) python3-module-virtualenv.git=20.27.0-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360306/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-21 12:34:57 :: task #360306 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 20.27.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-virtualenv.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 09:43:46 2024-Oct-21 12:34:58 :: [aarch64] #100 p

[#360321] DONE del=python3-module-anywho

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360321/logs/events.1.1.log 2024-Oct-21 12:30:08 :: task #360321 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-21 12:30:08 :: message: unmaintained_project_and_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-anywho 2024-Oct-21 12:30:10 :: build check OK 2024-Oct-21 12:30

[#360301] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.24-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360301/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-21 10:52:41 :: task #360301 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.4.24-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-uv.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 09:14:50 2024-Oct-21 10:52:43 :: [i586] #100 python3-module

[#360295] DONE (try 2) python3-module-moto.git=5.0.18-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360295/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-moto 2:39 1:41 3:011:31 2024-Oct-21 10:44:29 :: task #360295 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 5.0.18-alt1 from /peo

[#360292] DONE (try 2) python3-module-mypy.git=1.12.1-alt1

2024-10-21 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360292/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-21 10:23:04 :: task #360292 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.12.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-mypy.git fetched at 2024-Oct-21 08:35:54 2024-Oct-21 10:23:06 :: [aarch64] #100 python3-m

[#360143] DONE (try 2) python3-module-zstd.git=

2024-10-18 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360143/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-18 15:22:34 :: task #360143 for sisyphus resumed by slev: girar-check-perms: access to python3-module-zstd ALLOWED for slev: member of approved group check-subtask-perms: #100: python3-module-zstd: allowed for sl

[#360132] DONE (try 2) python3-module-xdot.git=1.4-alt1

2024-10-18 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360132/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-18 13:06:30 :: task #360132 for sisyphus resumed by slev: girar-check-perms: access to python3-module-xdot ALLOWED for slev: project leader welcomes random builders check-subtask-perms: #100: python3-module-xdot:

[#360100] DONE (try 2) python3-module-treelib.git=1.7.0-alt1

2024-10-18 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360100/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-18 10:14:23 :: task #360100 for sisyphus resumed by slev: girar-check-perms: access to python3-module-treelib ALLOWED for slev: project leader welcomes random builders check-subtask-perms: #100: python3-module-tr

[#360097] DONE (try 2) python3-module-translationstring.git=1.4-alt4

2024-10-18 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360097/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-18 09:15:01 :: task #360097 for sisyphus resumed by slev: girar-check-perms: access to python3-module-translationstring ALLOWED for slev: project leader welcomes random builders check-subtask-perms: #100: python3

[#360064] DONE (try 2) python3-module-tblib.git=3.0.0-alt1

2024-10-17 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360064/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-17 18:04:02 :: task #360064 for sisyphus resumed by slev: girar-check-perms: access to python3-module-tblib ALLOWED for slev: project leader welcomes random builders check-subtask-perms: #100: python3-module-tbli

[#360045] DONE (try 2) python3-module-tarjan.git=0.2.4-alt1

2024-10-17 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360045/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-17 16:45:43 :: task #360045 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.2.4-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-tarjan.git fetched at 2024-Oct-17 15:05:12 2024-Oct-17 16:45:44 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-m

[#360006] DONE (try 2) python3-module-svg-alt-namespace.git=0.0.1-alt1 ...

2024-10-17 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/360006/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #200 python3-module-svg-alt-namespace 4827 54 28 #300 python3-module-svg.charts 5432 55 32

[#359921] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.22-alt1

2024-10-17 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359921/logs/events.2.2.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-uv19:48 11:0518:528:40 2024-Oct-17 13:00:16 :: task #359921 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.4.22-alt1 from /peopl

[#359916] DONE (try 2) python3-module-zope.testrunner.git=6.6-alt1

2024-10-16 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359916/logs/events.2.2.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-zope.testrunner 1:0945 1:151:18 2024-Oct-16 12:52:04 :: task #359916 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build

[#359913] DONE (try 2) python3-module-validate-pyproject.git=0.21-alt1

2024-10-16 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359913/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-16 12:37:44 :: task #359913 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.21-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-validate-pyproject.git fetched at 2024-Oct-16 12:10:01 2024-Oct-16 12:37:45 :: [x86_64] #1

[#359863] DONE python3-module-sphinxcontrib-programoutput.git=0.17-alt2

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359863/logs/events.1.1.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-sphinxcontrib-programoutput 4530 50 29 2024-Oct-15 16:49:03 :: task #359863 for sisyphus s

[#359850] DONE python3-module-simplegeneric.git=0.8.1-alt5

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359850/logs/events.1.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-simplegeneric 3222 35 44 2024-Oct-15 15:30:38 :: task #359850 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 0.8

[#359840] DONE (try 2) python3-module-rsa.git=4.9-alt2

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359840/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-15 15:04:09 :: task #359840 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 4.9-alt2 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-rsa.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 14:42:56 2024-Oct-15 15:04:10 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-module

[#359828] DONE (try 2) python3-module-eve.git=2.2.0-alt1

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359828/logs/events.2.2.log 2024-Oct-15 13:44:17 :: task #359828 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.2.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-eve.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 13:26:56 2024-Oct-15 13:44:19 :: [i586] #100 python3-module

[#359823] DONE (try 2) python3-module-uv.git=0.4.21-alt1

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359823/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-15 13:39:26 :: task #359823 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 0.4.21-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-uv.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 12:49:24 2024-Oct-15 13:39:28 :: [i586] #100 python3-module

[#359825] DONE (try 2) python3-module-readthedocs-sphinx-ext.git=2.2.5-alt2

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359825/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-15 13:34:54 :: task #359825 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 2.2.5-alt2 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-readthedocs-sphinx-ext.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 12:55:35 2024-Oct-15 13:34:55 :: [x86_6

[#359820] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pyproject-fmt-rust.git=1.2.1-alt1 ...

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359820/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-15 13:22:02 :: task #359820 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.2.1-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-pyproject-fmt-rust.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 11:36:17 #200 build 2.3.1-alt1 from /peopl

[#359819] DONE (try 2) python3-module-mypy.git=1.12.0-alt1

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359819/logs/events.2.1.log 2024-Oct-15 12:57:32 :: task #359819 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.12.0-alt1 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-mypy.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 11:29:16 2024-Oct-15 12:57:33 :: [x86_64] #100 python3-mo

[#359809] DONE (try 2) python3-module-random2.git=1.0.2-alt5

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359809/logs/events.2.3.log 2024-Oct-15 11:18:33 :: task #359809 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 1.0.2-alt5 from /people/slev/packages/python3-module-random2.git fetched at 2024-Oct-15 10:51:39 2024-Oct-15 11:18:34 :: [ppc64le] #100 python3

[#359723] DONE (try 2) python3-module-pyparsing.git=3.2.0-alt1

2024-10-15 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359723/logs/events.2.1.log subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-pyparsing 1:53 1:14 2:251:09 2024-Oct-15 10:52:58 :: task #359723 for sisyphus resumed by slev: #100 build 3.2.0-alt1

[#359780] DONE del=python3-module-privacyidea-pam

2024-10-14 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359780/logs/events.1.3.log 2024-Oct-14 23:57:26 :: task #359780 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-14 23:57:26 :: message: unmaintained_project #100 delete python3-module-privacyidea-pam 2024-Oct-14 23:57:29 :: build check OK 2024-Oct-14 23:57:2

[#359781] DONE del=python3-module-pytest-remove-stale-bytecode

2024-10-14 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359781/logs/events.1.2.log 2024-Oct-14 23:52:53 :: task #359781 for sisyphus started by slev: 2024-Oct-14 23:52:53 :: message: see_#50996 #100 delete python3-module-pytest-remove-stale-bytecode 2024-Oct-14 23:52:58 :: build check OK 2024-Oct-14 23:5

[#359777] DONE python3-module-precis_i18n.git=1.1.0-alt2

2024-10-14 Thread Girar pender (slev)
https://git.altlinux.org/tasks/archive/done/_351/359777/logs/events.1.3.log subtask nameaarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #100 python3-module-precis_i18n 1:0844 1:47 40 2024-Oct-14 23:48:50 :: task #359777 for sisyphus started by slev: #100 build 1.1.0-a

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >