Author: buildbot
Date: Tue May 10 21:06:12 2016
New Revision: 987923

Staging update by buildbot for maven

    websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Tue May 10 21:06:12 2016
@@ -1 +1 @@

 Tue May 10 21:06:12 2016
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@
 <div class="section">
 <h4><a name="Some_Phases_Are_Not_Usually_Called_From_the_Command_Line">Some 
Phases Are Not Usually Called From the Command Line</a></h4>
 <p>The phases named with hyphenated-words (<tt>pre-*</tt>, <tt>post-*</tt>, or 
<tt>process-*</tt>) are not usually directly called from the command line. 
These phases sequence the build, producing intermediate results that are not 
useful outside the build. In the case of invoking <tt>integration-test</tt>, 
the environment may be left in a hanging state.</p>
-<p>Code coverage tools such as Jacoco and execution container plugins such as 
Tomcat, Cargo, and Docker bind goals to the <tt>pre-integration-test</tt> phase 
to prepare the integration test container environment. These plugins also bind 
goals to the <tt>post-itegration-test</tt> phase to collect coverage statistics 
or decommission the integration test container.</p>
+<p>Code coverage tools such as Jacoco and execution container plugins such as 
Tomcat, Cargo, and Docker bind goals to the <tt>pre-integration-test</tt> phase 
to prepare the integration test container environment. These plugins also bind 
goals to the <tt>post-integration-test</tt> phase to collect coverage 
statistics or decommission the integration test container.</p>
 <p>Failsafe and code coverage plugins bind goals to <tt>integration-test</tt> 
and <tt>verify</tt> phases. The net result is test and coverage reports are 
available after the <tt>verify</tt> phase. If <tt>integration-test</tt> were to 
be called from the command line, no reports are generated. Worse is that the 
integration test container environment is left in a hanging state; the Tomcat 
webserver or Docker instance is left running, and Maven may not even terminate 
by itself.</p>
 <div class="section">

Modified: websites/staging/maven/trunk/content/maven-site-1.0-site.jar
Binary files - no diff available.

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