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The following page has been changed by ZsomborGegesy:

New page:
= Backend Mailbox API Feature Requirements  =

 This list of features we need to support, or want to support by the backend 

 * POP3 needs
  * 'username+password' -> 'inbox' mapping,
  * listing of the content of inbox, with subject only (?)
  * getting the content of an email by it's id
  * deleting messages from the inbox
 * SMTP needs
  * 'email address' -> 'mailbox' mapping
  * putting an email into the mailbox
 * NNTP needs
   * ???? I don't know :)
 * Internal  James API needs  (spooling, fetchmail, etc):
  * handling various  'spool' 'mailbox'es, adding and removing items to them.
 * IMAP needs:
  * handle mail specific flags (Answered, Deleted, Draft, Flagged, Recent, 
  * ability to search by various header parameters (From, Subject...), flags
  * handle mailbox hierarchy per user (this would be nice for JSieve also, as I 
  * shared/readonly mailboxes  (this is optional)
  * custom properties for mail, the MIME structure is important, but some 
useful imap extensions needs others, for example CONDSTORE/QRESYNC as I 
remember needs a 'transaction number'.

 * Other features, which we want to consider comes from the deployment 
scenarios :
  * db only backend
  * db for the metadata, file system for the data, in maildir/mbox/custom format
  * db less backend, pure file system
  * mixed backend (for example, the user mailbox are in a db, the shared, read 
only mailboxes are on the disk.
  * jcr backend
  * james servers in front of the same backend (probably db-only, or jcr)

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