Revision: 3603

Author:   hofman
Date:     2008-04-03 04:36:12 -0700 (Thu, 03 Apr 2008)

Log Message:
Implement Leopard-only performAction: to open the remote goto action, which is 
not handled by PDFKit.

Let PDFKit handle tool tips for those links.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/PDFAnnotation_SKExtensions.m
--- trunk/PDFAnnotation_SKExtensions.m  2008-04-02 23:40:55 UTC (rev 3602)
+++ trunk/PDFAnnotation_SKExtensions.m  2008-04-03 11:36:12 UTC (rev 3603)
@@ -529,7 +529,8 @@
 @implementation PDFAnnotationLink (SKExtensions)
 // override these Leopard methods to avoid showing the standard tool tips over 
our own
-- (NSString *)toolTip { return nil; }
-- (NSString *)toolTipNoLabel { return nil; }
+- (NSString *)toolTip {
+    return ([self URL] || [self destination]) ? nil : [super toolTip];

Modified: trunk/SKPDFView.m
--- trunk/SKPDFView.m   2008-04-02 23:40:55 UTC (rev 3602)
+++ trunk/SKPDFView.m   2008-04-03 11:36:12 UTC (rev 3603)
@@ -1422,6 +1422,31 @@
     [[NSSpellChecker sharedSpellChecker] ignoreWord:[[sender selectedCell] 
stringValue] inSpellDocumentWithTag:spellingTag];
+// we cannot use PDFAction and subclasses, because those are Leopard only
+- (void)performAction:(id)action {
+    // PDFView does not handle the PDFActionRemoteGoTo, so we do it
+    if ([action isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"PDFActionRemoteGoTo")]) {
+        NSURL *fileURL = [action URL];
+        NSError *error = nil;
+        NSDocumentController *sdc = [NSDocumentController 
+        id document = nil;
+        if ([sdc documentClassForType:[sdc typeForContentsOfURL:fileURL 
error:&error]] == [SKDocument class]) {
+            if (document = [sdc openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:fileURL 
display:YES error:&error]) {
+                PDFPage *page = [[document pdfDocument] pageAtIndex:[action 
+                PDFDestination *dest = [[[PDFDestination alloc] 
initWithPage:page atPoint:[action point]] autorelease];
+                [[document pdfView] goToDestination:dest];
+            } else if (error) {
+                [NSApp presentError:error];
+            }
+        } else if (fileURL) {
+            // fall back to just opening the file and ignore the destination
+            [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:fileURL];
+        }
+    } else if ([[SKPDFView superclass] instancesRespondToSelector:_cmd]) {
+        [super performAction:action];
+    }
 #pragma mark Tracking mousemoved fix
 - (void)resetBoundsTrackingRect {

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