On 08/05/2021 20:23, Andreas Puls wrote:
Im running on both of my servers the deafult value.

I think the main difference between pgpkeys.eu and other hockeypuck installs is that pgpkeys.eu recons directly with three of the biggest SKS pool members, while most other hockeypuck installs do not. I temporarily disabled recon with all SKS peers and the number of modified keys immediately fell back to normal levels.

I suspect this may be related to the hockeypuck/SKS recon thrashing problem that Marcel diagnosed - the number of updated keys does not seem to reflect actual updates but rather update attempts, and as the SKS and Hockeypuck datasets have diverged, so have the number of repeated sync failures. This would appear to have been growing slowly for some time.

I'm still not sure why pgpkeys.eu has been disproportionately affected - other hockeypuck nodes have several SKS peers and haven't suffered to the same extent. I suspect it may be an artifact of the topology - perhaps pgpkeys.eu is getting different update sets from two different sources and they keep overwriting each other, or some such.

Investigations continue... :-)

Andrew Gallagher

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