Russ Leong wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am attempting to add a new SubjectNode to Slide.
> --------------------
> NamespaceAccessToken tok = dom.accessNamespace(new SecurityToken(""), "version");
> Structure struct = tok.getStructureHelper();
> SlideToken token = new SlideTokenImpl(new CredentialsToken(new String("root")));
> struct.create(token, new SubjectNode(), "/users/tom");
> --------------------
> In the database, user root has inheritable non-negative permission "/actions" on "/" 
>and "/users"
> but on executing the code I will get this :
> --------------------
> org.apache.slide.common.SlideException - DEBUG - 
>org.apache.slide.structure.ObjectNotFoundException: No object found at /users/tom
>         at 
>         at 
>         at org.apache.slide.structure.StructureImpl.create(
>         at testing.TestSlide.init(
>         at __jspPage1_testing_jsp._jspService(
>         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
>         at 
>         at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(
>         at 
>         at 
>         at 
>         at 
>         at
> org.apache.slide.common.Domain - DEBUG - Checking basic permissions on new object
> org.apache.slide.common.Domain - DEBUG - Basic permissions granted for user root
> WARNING - WARNING: No active transaction
> WARNING - WARNING: No active transaction
> --------------------
> Is there something wrong with my code? Any help is appreciated.
> Russ

Hi Russ,

Please post slide use questions on slide user list.

You have to add node properties to content store.

Here is a static method you may use to create users :

* Method used to create user's nodes.
* @param uri node's uri.
* @param password user's password.
* @param structure slide's structure helper.
* @param content slide's content helper.
* @param st slide's token.
public static void createUser(String uri, String password,
                               Structure structure, Content content,
                               SlideToken st)
     throws AccessDeniedException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException,
            ObjectNotFoundException, LinkedObjectNotFoundException,
            RevisionAlreadyExistException, ServiceAccessException,
            ObjectLockedException {

     // create object
     ObjectNode node = new slideroles.basic.UserRoleImpl(uri);

     // create object's properties
     NodeRevisionDescriptor revision = new NodeRevisionDescriptor(0);
     NodeProperty property = new NodeProperty("resourcetype",
                                              "<collection/>", true);
     Date date = new Date();
     property = new NodeProperty("getcontentlength", "0", true);
     property = new NodeProperty("source", "", true);
     String owner = Token.getOwner(st);
     property = new NodeProperty("owner", owner, true);
     property = new NodeProperty("password", password,

     // store object
     structure.create(st, node, uri);
     content.create(st, uri, revision, null);

An here is a sample call from a Servlet, st being the SlideToken :

// access namespace
NamespaceAccessToken nat =
     Domain.accessNamespace(new SecurityToken(getServletContext()),

if(nat == null) return;

// get the helpers
Structure structure = nat.getStructureHelper();
Content content = nat.getContentHelper();

// feed user's node
String uri = "/users/foobar";
String password = "hisPassword";

// begin transaction
try {
     try {

         // create a user node
         createUser(uri, password, structure, content, st);


         // commit transaction
     // catch exceptions
     catch(ObjectAlreadyExistsException e) {
         // duplicate name
         throw e;
catch(Exception e) {
     // rollback the transaction
     try {
     catch(SystemException se) {
         // jta error
finally {


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