Hi Adam,

I'm also not aware of any benchmarks, but I can tell you that Slide will handle 
100k just fine.
At Hippo we're using Slide as a content repository (hippo-repository) for our 
We are running Slide at multiple customers that differ in size. 
As far as I know the biggest one is now running with 300k+ documents.

Further more we are also running most of our websites with Slide as the 
We've made some modifications to Slide which have been send back to the 
community.(You can find more info about our open source content repository at 

Our websites are 'actively' retreiving content from Slide. We use Apache Cocoon 
as our frontend and to keep the amount of queries to Slide as low as possible, 
we let Cocoon cache the queries untill data is changed in the content 

I hope this helps you out a little.

Kind regards,

Jeroen Reijn



-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Steidley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 30 augustus 2006 18:08
To: slide-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Performance and Scaleablity

Are there any benchmarks posted as to what Slide can handle in terms of
scale?  I am wondering both on a storage and access side.  Is anyone out
there currently storing tens of thousands of documents?  What about 100k?
Are there any large public websites that actively retrieve content from a
Slide repository?  Can the repository handle hundreds of non-trivial queries
per minute?  


Sorry if this question is overly broad, but I just can't find anyones
results or experiences on this front and I'd like a little direction before
beginning my project.




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