I don't know the answers to your questions because I haven't started
upgrading to the latest SVN.


But I made the suggestion because in the past I found that once I have the
test suite running with the default TxFile* stores, when I went to the other
stores like JDBC/Adapter THEN they worked as well.  I did that on Derby
which is close to DB2 but not DB2 pureXML.  My guess is that if you go back
to a stable release and not the latest drop you might get better results.





Loosely Coupled yet Highly Cohesive


Mike Oliver

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From: Zeus Courtois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 5:31 PM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: Running testlist unit errors


Hi Mike,

I just tried running the TxFile stores and it pretty much game me the same
errors for the unit tests.

I pulled out the slide 2.2pre1 code about two weeks ago from subversion and
compiled it on my machine.

For the TxFile stores I am using the default Domain.xml config file that
gets created when you decompress the *.war on Tomcat.

Are there some additions that I need to make to the Domain.xml file for both
the TxFile stores and the RDBMS stores?



----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Slide Users Mailing List <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 2:43:02 PM
Subject: RE: Running testlist unit errors

Try the tests with the TxFile stores first, then if they all run then try
the various RDBMS stores.  I don?t know when the DB2 store was done but it
could easily be out of date.





Loosely Coupled yet Highly Cohesive


Mike Oliver

Alarius Systems LLC
+84056&country=us> POB 56112
Hill AFB, UT 84056 

AIM: MikeOliverAZ 

Skype ID:
SkypeIn #:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (518)378-6154 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (518)378-6154 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (702)866-9034 


&k1=564486299&src=client_sig_212_1_banner_join&invite=1> Want to always have
my latest info?

 <http://www.plaxo.com/signature?src=client_sig_212_1_banner_sig> Want a
signature like this?



From: Zeus Courtois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 2:29 PM
To: Slide Apache
Subject: Running testlist unit errors



I have been running the testlist units that I just retrieve from subversion
with Slide 2.2 and 2.2pre1.

I am using the org.apache.slide.store.impl.rdbms.DB2RDBMSAdapter and it
gives me several errors.

I am running the test units individually.  First I run tp.functional, then
tp.dasl, then tp.deltav and then tp.bind.

I get error on all of them, tp.bind gives me the most.  

Also, there is a deadlock when it reaches test #116 in tp.functional.  It
won't continue after that.

Should all the testcases run clean?  Is it an error in my configuration

Attached is my config file.

Thanks in advance,




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