Ok, no answer so far :(

I looked at the config admin and I think that we perhaps could achieve a simpler solution by providing a ConfigurationPlugin which adds the sling.id to the configuration.


Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

I'm wondering how we solve this issue. Currently framework properties like sling.id, sling.home are created/set in the launcher code which starts the Felix framework.

This comes with the problem that these values are not available when a differen launcher/OSGi container is issued.

Afaik, only these three values defined in the CoreConstants class are concerned. Or is there anything else? From these three values only the sling.id should be important to bundles, sling.home, sling.home.url are only of interest for the logging bundle; so we should perhaps make it usable without these properties being available (perhaps it already works).

One way to make the sling.id available is to define a service providing the value. However, this is a "heavy" solution for the simple problem. Is there any simpler solution?


Carsten Ziegeler

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