Sub Pop on the Road as of 9/17/94
All of the following is true to the best of our knowledge, and is subject 
to change due to sickness, acts of God, typos, 
and the fact that musicians (and record companies) change their minds a lot.
Please feel free to request additional information by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you're a college student with access to the huge student activities 
fund at your school, feel free to contact us for a 
list of booking agents who will happily take your money.
Eric's Trip
2   Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS
17  Fleece & Firkin, Bristol, UK
18  Canal Cafe, Manchester, UK
28  Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS
12  Double Door, Chicago, IL
21  Bogart's, Cincinatti w/Velocity Girl
23  Stache's, Columbus, OH w/ Velocity Girl
27  Cicero's, St. Louis, MO w/Velocity Girl
28  Bottleneck, Lawrence, KS w/ Velocity Girl
29  Blue Note, Columbia, MO w/ Velocity Girl
19  Cafe Campus, Montreal, PQ w/Cub
20  Fenn Lounge, Ottawa, ON w/local
21  Opera House, Toronto, ON w/Cub, Treble Charger
22  St. Andrew's Hall, Detroit, MI w/Cub
      Lifter Puller                 
Six Finger Satellite
1    Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS
28  Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS
Sunny Day Real Estate 
26  Club Toast, Burlington, VT
29  Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS
29   Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax, NS
November  (all dates with the Fastbacks)
3     Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, CA
4     Foothill, Long Beach, CA
5     The Casbah, San Diego, CA
8     Nile Theater, Mesa, AZ
10   Galaxy, Dallas, TX
11   Emo's, Austin, TX
12   Harvey's Club Deluxe, Houston, TX
15   Dingo Bar, Albuquerque, NM
16   Our House, Costa Mesa, CA
18   Huntridge Theater, Las Vegas, NV

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