Some folks were asking about the Posies/Treblecharger etc shows this past
weekend.  The stuff below is taken from Ken Stringfellow's (A Posie) online
electronic journal that he posts to the Posies mailing list every couple of
weeks. There are a couple of actual sloannet related things in there and a
new rumour to get the traffic on this list started again. Dig in.

May 12 Esquire Tavern, Moncton NB

The punkest gig. We didn't get hotel rooms, Mike D. & I took showers at the
promoters house. The promoter (named Ken) was also in the opening band, the
Monoxides. He lives w/his parents, his dad drives them around on tour &
stuff. His dad used to work for CN Rail, we chatted about how they have
cranes that lift locomotives off the tracks in the repair shops, Courtney
Love, etc. (?)
Had lobster (Fr.: Homard) w/Mike D. Went to a record store and listened to
Nirvana bootlegs. They had one that wasa supposedly Kurt's home demos, just
instrumental solo guitar versions of all your faves. I thought it was
bullshit, who can tell if it's Kurt or not? The Esquire Tavern is a tiny
shitkicker bar, the PA & stage were miniscule but the show was packed. The
Monoxides have rock moves, all their songs quote 70s hard rock riffs but
turn into punk songs. Of course members of Eric's Trip were there. Actually
a lot of Posies fans in this burg, and of course we gave 'em the goods. The
mics kept shocking us during soundcheck and there were no windscreens so we
had to put socks over 'em. The Monoxides took us to a party afterwards, and
I eventually made it to the place where we were supposed to be staying, at
this guy who works at a local record store's apartment. No one else did
tho'. Jon got his own hotel rm. most people slept on the bus. So I had no
competition for the bathroom the next morning and I took a big long bath.

May 13 Birdland, Halifax NS

I fell asleep during the 4 hour drive to Halifax, and when I woke up we
were on the bridge that goes over Halifax harbour. Beautiful town. The
first band didn't even go on until 11pm so we had a lot of free time to
explore. We all went out for lobster that night, most people got bummed cuz
it'zs a difficult critter to eat. Not me. After dinner I went over to Matt
from Hardship Post's apt. They were having a dinner party there, and Mike
fr, HP had baked an incredible apple/clove pie w/a cheddar cheese can imagine how I felt onstage that night. We went on at about
1am, just like CBGB. We had a massive crowd that totally stomped while we
played, we couldn't believe our good fortune. Got to talk to Patrick from
Sloan a little, too. We went to some guy's apartment afterwards and
listened to Big Star all night.

May 14 Birdland all ages show

Got shown around town by Shawn & Rachel from Cinnamon Toast Records--plus i
got to raid the swag closet at Cinnamon Toast & Murderecords. Went to the
Citadel, the hilltop fortress in the centre of towne. Did a TV interview
for MuchMusic on the beach. Today's show was really early, TC opened and
went on at about 6:30pm. Hardship Post played--they're superb. they have a
record coming out on SubPop this month, it's totally cool. 3/4 of Sloan was
there, so was Alyson from Jale--rumor around town is that she's quitting
the band. *PROBLEM*. We had a fun little show, the kids bounced around &
stuff. After the show we didn't wanna leave town, so we told Bus Driver Bob
he couldn't leave til 1am. Rosie & I walked around with a few locals, we
snuck into a park, went to their apt. & played with their kitty, etc. We
were really sad to leave as usual. and so, we began to head west at last.
I'm kinda sad, but the pleasures in life are fleeting and subsequently
precious. Now it's 4am, the bus is bouncing like crzy. We stopped at a
truckstop out of town & I got a chance to wish my mom a happy mom's day.
I'm in the back of the bus, the bounciest part but it's quiet and the
outlets are handy. Bill TC is reading on the opposite couch. I think most
people are asleep but Jon tends to stay up really late, so he's probably up
front listening to music.

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