hey kids....

boring stupid piece of information. my acs email account is temporarily 
unavailable to me (like for a few weeks) and i haven't read any mail 
since last monday or tuesday so if anyone had anything important to write 
to me (jon b??) email me here or better yet, email james 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or rod ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) since i see them the 
most here in halifax.

anyway, the pop x is magically delicious. i haven't seen any sloan net 
mail since i got here so i don't know if anyone has posted reviews. the 
no cases last night were fun and thrush hermit was fantabulous at 
birdland on thursday night. 

can you believe i missed SLOAN by like 4 or 5 hours???????? augh. sucks 
to be me. lil orton hoggit almost made up for it though.

best part of the pop x so far - the sloan net party at jim's house.it was 
really special and fun and great. everyone who performed was really cool 
and the food was great. one of the best times ever. 

while i'm here, thanks to the endearing records kids in winnipeg for 
putting up with f.e.r. and me for so many days. they rule, we love them. 
:) :) :) :)

..and i nearly forgot...oh wait, i'll tell y'all later.... :)

tara lee
jon dacey's biggest fan, that's no lie....

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