I just returned from lancerfest, and boy am I happy.
That was one of the best musical experiences of my life.
Sloan absolutely ruled. Patrick had long hair, An' I didn't reckognize him at
Halfway through the show chris got really pissed off at this one skinhaed
mosh crowdsurf genarally be an asshole type guy. it was neat. During
underwhelmed, he handed his bass to a member of the audience, and jay gave
him an impromptu bass lesson while chris cavorted around the stage,
eventually making his way back to the "new" bassist and "Grind" (U.s. MTV hip
hop dance show) dancing avec him.  They came out for an encore and played 25
alright. They played amped and laying blame also. It was so spiffy I could
hardly contain myself.  By the way, this event was em-ceed by the most
annoying people on the face of this earth.  Aaany-way, The superfriendz were
Okay, but were plagued by bad sound. throughout their entire set, they were
making hand gestures at the sound guys trying to get it right.  The killjoys
were very good, very tight. Their drummer has got to be the best drummer on
the planet at this moment. The surprise of the night for me was by far king
kool flipped. I enjoyed them alot. They have got some great material. They've
got this one song "Blondie Zombie" which is that one blondie song w/ the high
pitched vocals (I know, that *really* narrows it down), and A white zombie
song spliced together. Another highlight was their a-team song, which started
out as a take off on queen's another one bites the dust, then rocks out times
fifty zillion. Oh yeah, sloan played rockin' versions of before I do and
bells on.  The dissapointment of the night for me was Juliana Hatfield. I
dunno why, but she just didn't hold my attention.  The only thing she did
that held my attention is rip off this thing I do when we play, the starwars
medly, (the main theme, and the imperial theme arranged repititiously
thruoghout  a song). Any way, the back stage arrangement sucked, to get back
you needed passes *and* orange armbands, which noone had. We secured passes
though. One of us finally found an entrance where the person didn't know
about the orange armband. And got to get a buncha stuff signed by jay an'
patrick but chris an' andrew were nowhere to be found. It ruled.
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