
Hi...i just came home from the Superfreindz/Inbreds/JAle show in 
winnipeg.... and, i am too full of energy and such to sleep right 
now..never mimd that i have a class tommorrow morning and all, but, 
that's besides the point.

Anyways, i got to the show early because sometimes they actually start 
before 9, and i didn't really wanna miss anything, but it turned out, a 
local band was first to perform, and they didn't come on till 9:30.

So then, it got really hot, so i went outside to cool off...but i didn't 
stay out there too long because Superfriendz were on next, and, well, i 
was in Toronto last time they played here i and i didn't wanna miss them 
again. It was odd, the guitarist with the dark brown hair looks uncannily 
like a friend Sean, the yo yo man...i swear they could've been brothers. Oh 
well, all that aside, they were fairly ok. I have to admit, a few songs were kinda 
boring, but sometimes i guess that just tends to happen when you don't 
really know any of the songs. But overall, i was impressed. The bass guy, 
in a really odd way sort of reminded me of Allan Ruck (i think that's his name...you 
know, the guy who played Ferris Buller's friend.....anyways). And the 
other guitarist, wow...what can i say?....Rawk and Roll? Wow. It was too 
perfect, i could almost picture him in a very cheesy 80' video or 
something (but don't take it the wrong way, i say that with the utmost 
respect). And the drummer, well, without his glasses or rock and roll 
shades on, i didn't even think "Sloan". Kinda amazing how one little 
accessory can change a persons whole appearance. But, i was actually 
impressed with Chris' drumming...and he was even doing all the funny 
faces like drummers are known to do, and kinda mouth the words in the 
background too.

Anyways, I talked to him for a few seconds sometime this evening (last 
time i talked to him he lied to me...said Jale prob. wouldn't come out to 
Winnipeg for a while because it was too expensive or something.....).  He 
had his glasses on, so he looked like him again, whatever looking like 
him is. He said to say "HI" to a whole bunch o' people for him, but i won't single 
them out because then others might feel left out, etc etc, so i'll 
pretend and say he said "HI" to everyone....that's what he prob. meant to 
say anyways :). 

Oh yeah...he also said to say something else...but i'm not quite sure 
because it was sorta loud and all, but maybe one or two people may 
understand....something about guitar tuners...and someone's really 
mad....i think it was something like they were left in Toronto or he 
forgot them for the Toronto show and Sloan was untuned (he mentioned the 
name Sloan in there somewhere) or has them now..or i'm not sure...just 
that someones kinda mad at him over tuners...i'm sorry, i can't do anything 
right right now...not even relay a silly message, but i hope this made 
sense to someone.

Anyways...the Inbreds played an amazing set. LAst time i saw them 
(Roadside....), they were ok, but somehow on the HUGE stage with only the 
2 of them and all the open air, their sound kinda lost something. But 
tonight, they were so full, and happy, and, well, swell.

Then came Jale.....i have been waiting sooo so incredibly long for this 
day. They only played a few older songs (but that's ok, they played the 
jesus song off their new ep :) ). They either looked bored/tired/hot on 
stage tonight. But that's ok...it was super hot, so if i hadda be up 
there, i don't think i would've been too energetic either...afterall, i 
had to remind myself, they are people too! It was kinda weird. On tape, 
their new ep sounds more happier and faster/uptempoed etc than Dreamcake 
and stuff like twisted and i lied. But live, the new stuff all sounded 
really mellow, and they seemed more "alive" when they played there older 

ANyways, they impressed me because when they came on for an encore, they 
played a Leonard Conan cover...Hooray!

Anyways, this has been pretty long and not very descriptive or 
anything...but hey, i rarely post, so i figure it's ok to write lots once 
in a while, right?

Anyways, if you've read this far, sorry for putting you through all this.

---------------------...but the Rheostatics are------------------------------
--------------------------a really great band--------------------------------
                               -veda hille
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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