Hi, I thought if any of you were Posies fans you might be interested in 
this. He talks a bit about playing the Halifax Pop Xplosion too!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 03:10:07 +0200
From: Ken Stringfellow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: All of the true stories.

Hello everyone.

I'm sorry I couldn't warn you in time about the Jon & Ken National Anthem
gig--the biggest Posie-related appearance ever (non-sports fans: sold-out
Kingdome crowd of over 58,000. That's roughly how many people lived in
Bellingham when I moved there in 1978.) However, you either had tickets
already or you didn't, it was well sold out by the time we knew we were

This weekend the Posies headlined one night of the Halifax Pop Explosion
III, in the real Halifax, the Nova Scotia one. We played with Pansy
Division & Pluto. Many of you NWerners know Pluto 'cuz they're a POPular
vancouver band, they've played w/us a couple times before, they're good
etc. P. Division is a POWer trio from the Bay Area, they like to sing about
sexy things of interest to the gay man. The drummer is a big Posie fan and
related a tale of him and his friends listening to 'Solar Sister' on acid
for hours & hours. Or so it seemed it must have seemed to him! Anyhow, PD
is great, and their LPs _Deflowered_ and _Pile_Up_ have been on my hit list
as of late.

Other bands we saw in Halifax:

Thrush Hermit--ugly guitars and a Rapeman take on the Beach Boys.

Rebecca West--arguably the greatest thing ever. The song 'Sick' is so good
it makes me...

Fastbacks--yes I actually got to spend more than 20 minutes with Kim W. for
a change. They were incredible 2 sets in a row (see them soon opening for
Pearl Jam at a Sports arena near you). Mike X-Posey on drums. The 1994
Posies were almost reunited when Jon & I took charge of the guitars during
'Set Me free', Mike & Kurt B. were on the drums together. Joe had no
interest in taking the bass off of Kim's hands--smart boy.

Eric's Trip--Finally. (Rick) White lights only.

As for the rest of the time, we hung out w/our publisher Margaret, her b.
Rob, Ronnie from the Muffs, and  various members and former members of
Sloan, Jale, Hardship Post, etc. We were reunited with the personnel of our
spring Canadian tour: Nick (sound buddy) and Bob (bus driver--source of the
phrase "What color is a red light?"). Kim & I ate lobster FOR BREAKFAST. I
finished the 1300 page Austrian philisophical novel I've been reading since

I mentioned that we left Tim Neece Management after 4 years with them/him.
We are now represented by Curtis Entertainment, a new offshoot of Kelly
Curtis' org. Kelly is the manager of Pearl Jam & Pete Droge. Working with
us are David Meinert, who helped book Bumbershoot this year, plus organize
the Home Alive compilation, as well as book clubs and bands and manage
bands and stuff for quite awhile now; and Alex MacLeod, who was Nirvana's
tour manager and has been managing the band Spell. Of course, we're
thrilled to have this in place with these very fine people. It also looks
like we'll be booked by Twin Towers, the agents for Sonic Youth, Mudhoney,
and, uh, everybody else.

Today we were photographed by Vicki Berndt (see Lp covers of Redd Kross,
Hole, the Muffs etc. for examples of her work) for our LP as well as the
old 8x10s that will be distributed all over the globe. Tomorrow we'll be
shooting the LP cover (the photographer will be Cam Garrett, who does those
cool light shows at Posie shows sometimes), with supermodel Bill Bartell
and others.

On Wednesday, we'll be flying to Alaska. Here is the schedule for our
upcoming shows.

10.19, 20, 21: Gig's, Ancorage AK. I think the first show is 21+ and the
next 2 are all ages. Call the club for details.

10.31: Lewis & Clark St. College, Lewiston ID. Probably all ages.

11.1: We will probably be playing the Zoo in Pullman WA. 21+

11.3: Ketchum ID either at the Mint or the Dynamite Lounge.

11.4 The Edge, Provo UT.

11.8 Big Star w/Jon & Ken @ Tramps, New York NY.

11.10 (back to Posies) Slim's, San Francisco CA

11.17 Royal Room, Bellingham WA 21+

11.18 Orcas Center, Orcas Is. WA all ages.

That might be it for the year.

I promise we will finish our LP soon. We plan to work on it while we're in
Anchorage and of course afterwards.

See you all,


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