I am thankful that my first message was sent.  My computer crashed and I 
thought that I had lost it, and it took sp much time writing it ou that I 
didn't want to do it again.  but aparantly it must have sent it ou;(even 
though I did not hit send yet) as sdome sort of reflex reaction befoer 
dying.  Cool.  Anyway, I wasn't finished so here is the rest:



          Broken G. did two shows. The first was in a movie theatre 
(wormwoods) and the second was in a club while breakfast was being 
served.  The first show was so incredibly moving you really had to be 
ther.  By far the best show of the whole thing and it was just Julie and 
her guitar. That is what was so amazing!  She had such a power and a 
beauty with her voice and her gutiar, simply sitting there and playing 
for us.  She continually thanked the crowd for being so quiet and 
respectfuil because we were all just entrtanced.  The second show was 
really noisy and you could tell that this bothered julie.  At one point 
about four or five people at some table started boisterously laughing 
between themselves while julie was singing about her grandmother dying.  
It really pissed me off.  But, and this is important: EVERYONE SHOULD BUY 
BROKEN GIRL!!!  Her melodies are so sweet and soothing, and her 
voice..... PLEASE!  If you liked secret for Julie or abou you then you'll 
love broken girl.  Look for her first full length release in latert months.


          Also a really great set.  Very quiet.  Chris seemed a lot more 
shy than Julie is.  Also he siad he was sick, and tha tis proabbly why he 
lpayed such a short set.  but I loved it.  Moonsocket rules.

        Al TUCK

          Very good.  What you'd expect from Al T.  It was nice being in 
the quiet movie theatre.  I would have liked for their amps to have been 
a little quieter, though because of tht.  That annoyed me.  His was the 
only wormwoods set that made me put in my earplugs.


          NEver heard him befroe and he was nice.  Pretty standard gfolk 
music.  Not short quirky Lou B. stuff or  Moonsocket, but still very 
nice.  Rick White was also in attendance for this one (snailhouse hasd  
a single out on Sappy - in fact Julie said that one of the main readsons 
she started sappy was to release his music).

OK, I think that might be it.  I'm sure I forgot someone.  If it comes to 
me later I'll post more.  I hope all you non-attendees got something 
ou;of it. 

See you in 95 (mike can I stay at your place again)


P.S. It was AWESOME to meet all you sloannet people!  You were all so 
fucking cool I wish I could have spoken to you more.  I'm glad I know all 
your faces and personalities now.  I feel like I'm "in the loop".

testing signature thing

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