Hi it's Mark from PEI (i resent all that crap u were sayin about PEI it 
kicks ass right Roderick)

I'm just back from England yesterday.  Flew into Halifax , would've liked 
to meet you all but the parental units were anxoius to get home ( I wuz 
too ) :) and now I'm home and happy :)  It was an okay trip, ther's not 
that much to do other than vist castles and stuff.  But they have damned 
good record stores.  So basically my whole trip was centered around 
shopping for music, much to my parents dismay.  There was good  selection 
but no maritime music.  Here's a little chart showing you how mant 
maritime albums I saw.
Sloan - Smeared - 5 times
        Twice Removed - twice ( both times it was 18 pounds or 40 bucks cdn)
Eric's Trip - Forever Again - 4 times
              Love Tara - once
HP - Somebody Spoke - 5 times
jale - Dreamcake - 3 times 

So that explains why I didn't get any maritime stuff (other than the 
Watchin You 7") till like the last day when I went to this store the 
Vinyl Experience.  I looked around for like half an hour no Maritime 
stuff so I thought... shit I may as well ask the guy at thew counter even 
though he won't even know who they are this will be the last store I go to.
Here's a brief transcription of the event:
Me: Do you have any Sloan
Guy: Yeah
 (Mark thinks "Yes")
Guy: What are you looking for?
Me: Basically anything on vinyl or any CD singles
 (Guy looks around)
Guy: I have nothing on CD
 (goes to look in vinyl)
Guy: I have this 12" single "Underwhelmed" and an album
Me : which one? Twice Removed
Guy: No Smeared.
 (mark freaks out)

So that's how I got the Underwhelmed single (w/What's there 
to...,Amped,Sleepover) and my Smeared LP.

So know I'm wondering, how rare are these two items, any of you have them.

Help me

And tara why didn't you tell me you were in england?

See ya, sorry for the long unimportant message with bad spelling and 
punctuation, hope you give a care.

Hoping James puts me back on the list soon 
Mark "PEI Boy" Greenan

PS send any replies to me because god knows when I get back on the list
PPs Maybe I should buy a record player hee hee

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