
I was wondering if some of you old-school Sloanies could give me some
Today I was in my school library, and I happened on an old issue of a
magazine published by
SOCAN which features an article about Sloan. (It's written by Chris Vautour -
the magazine is
_Canadian Composer_, fall '92).
        In it, there's a mention of a former project of Jay's and Chris's called
Kearney Lake Rd,
which "left more than an album's worth of material in the can after its
dissolution... 'Chris wants to
put the Kearney Lake Rd. record out; remix it and just put it out for fun. It
would be nice to have',
says Ferguson."
        So, who was involved? What happened to them? I've never heard any mentions
of the
band before, so I assume the album was never released.
        Also mentioned are Tag. Who were they? Was that an early name of jale's?
        By the way, I stumbled across a copy of Black Pool's "We The Living" a few
weeks ago -
right here in Aurora, for $8 no less - and it's not bad. I was kind of
surprised, though..  I mean,
straight-ahead folk-rock is not quite what I expected Chris Murphy to be
playing. Some of the
songs are actually pretty good, though. Cool. 

thanks for the infoe,

a l e x

PS Is it just me, or is the Sloannet rapidly going downhill? I'm hoping
things will improve a little in quality so I won't be forced to unsub. I
mean, I know they've (sorta) broken up, but that doesn't mean you should fill
the gap with meaningless chatter or personal notes. 
        In fact, I know it's not just me.. the only two other Netters I know
personally are both considering unsubbing. Personally, I don't have the time
to sit at my computer and sift thru piles of crap email. So, a plea:
PLEASE think before you post. 

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