yo :)

i hope im not repeating someone here...
there has been so much sloannet mail! :)
rawk right on. :)

>What Is "you're such a stupid idiot" on?
>Is it on the murder 7" or the album?

it is on the murder 7" called 'put on your snowsuit you're going to hell'.
the flipside is a song called 'play with your poodle'.
ooooh the rabbits are playin here in 5 days...mmmm. :) :) :)

>oh yeah, that's not it. 

i thought that was too short for an adam weezer post... ;) ;)

>are there any Hardship post bootlegs floatin' around?

i've got a video of their most recent ottawa show at spodeeodee's...its
a really good show except for the fact that it was too short - but
you've heard that story before, i am sure. :)

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now that is cool. :) :)
art-sayyyyyy, baybeee! :)

tara :) :) :)

"The smile that you send out...
   returns to you." :)
-Indian Wisdom

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