> The interviewee asked which place was the worst hardship post that
> they've played.  It was a toss up between Sydney, N.S. and Saint John's
> Nfld.  It had more to do with the place than any particular gig.
> jim

Well I don't know if that's necessarily the correct way to interpret it. 
HP played 2 shows in Sydney on one night. The All Ages show was good, 
then they went to their hotel room and real stoned. When they returned to 
the club for the "Bar Show" there was almost no-one there and they used 
the smoke machine to blot out their appearance as they were stoned and 
paranoid. As for St.John's, HP have played some absolutely awesome shows 
here, with the exception of the last time they came when at the ALL AGES 
show they didn't go over so hot. Some kid in the audience yelled out "GO 
BACK TO HALIFAX!", not a great homecoming. All the kids continually 
yelled for SUGARCANE as well which they refused to play so that pissed of 
some of the people. The Bar show later that night went over much better.
Anyways, that's my take on the worst HP show question. Of course maybe I 
got it all fucked up.

Peace, HUB

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