I'd just like to draw to the attention of all you Sloan.netters in the Toronto
area that in addition to Fri. at the Warehouse, da boyz are going to play on
Saturday night, the 25th, in Barrie at the Brookdale Inn - a hotel bar, as I
understand. The place is 100? Dunlop West, which is just east of the 400. You
might want to check it out, instead of going to Hamilton on Sunday. Or, even
better, do both! I would if I could. (Three shows in a weekend?!? Why not?) 
See you there....
-ALEX-  =8V)

====================================== A L E X   B O Z I K O V I C
Aurora, Ont.
                  "You see, I'm slightly left of center of the bullseye you've
created...." - SLOAN 
just like to draw to the attention of all you Sloan.netters in the Toronto
area that in addition to Fri. at the Warehouse, da boyz are going to play on
Saturday night, the 25th, in Barrie at the Brookdale Inn - a hotel bar, as I
understand. The place is 100? Dunlop West, which is just east of the 400. You
might want to check it out, instead of going to Hamilton on Sun. Or, even
better, do both! I would if I could. (Three shows in a weekend?!? Why not?) 
See you the

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