                            The Dangers of Fruit
From: "P.Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 93 12:12:23 BST
Subject: Some dangers of fruit

Abstracted from The Guardian, Weekend Supplement October 16th.

* Dangerous Food - In Motion.
  "A maniac who hurls corn cobs at pedestrians from his moving car is being
  hunted," reports Today. "Retired engineer John Snowden, 60, felled as he
  walked his dog, said: 'I keeled over. I thought I'd been shot.' Police in
  Lodden, Norfolk, said: 'Corn on the cobs can be very dangerous when thrown
  out of a car at high speed.'"

* Dangerous Food - In Pocket.
  "A banana caused a French passenger aircraft to go on hijack alert and turn
  back in mid-flight on June 18," reports Reuters. "A passenger on board an Air
  Inter Airbus from Paris to Malaga, Spain, mistook a bulge in another
  passenger's trousers for a gun and alerted the crew. After the return to Orly
  airport, paramilitary gendarmes discovered the fruity nature of the bulge."

* Dangerous Food - Incredible.
  "Last January, Nigel Hayward was released from a two-year sentence for
  robbery using a banana," records the Daily Mirror. "The next day he walked
  into a bank with a banana under his shirt and a cashier gave him 295 pounds.
  The same trick worked in a building society where he got 1,500 pounds. Later,
  he was arrested for arguing in a nightclub called Joe Bananas in Bristol. He
  was jailed for another six years."

* Dangerous Food - In Memoriam.
  "The Mafia Cookbook, just published by Simon & Schuster, was written by
  Joseph Iannuzzi after he spilled the beans about his Cosa Nostra colleagues,"
  records the International Herald Tribune. "When cooking for the mob, he
  writes, he used plenty of heavy sauces because 'any meal may be their last,
  so it better be a good one.' Successful robberies were celebrated with steak.
  'But if they went out and hurt somebody or killed them, accidentally or
  whatever, they didn't want no red meat at all. So I'd make a shrimp scampi
  gambino instead.'"

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