hey there, cool cats.

well, I've now recovered sufficiently from Saturday to write some comments
about the show. I don't think I'll bother with a full review, 'cos it's been
done already ;), but I would like to say a couple'a'things.

1) THE SHOW. I saw every main stage band except Sugar Ray, and here's what I
thought of the East Coasters (and treble charger :) )...

Superfriendz: they are great! very solid. good catchy pop songs. PLUS, of
course, the mighty Criss was drumming, and he completely **blew my mind**.
The last time i saw him play was at the TO show in Feb, and he's
approximately 100 times better on Sat then he was then. He was good! Really

jale were great! their new drummer is excellent, and the songs, which I'm
told were all new except 'Promise', sounded great. harmonies were tight in
spite of the sound and they seemed to be havin loads of fun.

Change of Heart: my sixth time seeing them and not quite the best, but still
freakin' good. they seemed tired.. probably from travelling from Atlanta, as
the announcer said they had done the night before. "Trigger", "Herstory", an
incredible new song called "Halifax Facial", another vicious new song.. all
'Tummysuckle' and brand-new songs, which was OK. They were incredibly tight,
as usual, but I think that they went over the heads of a lot of the audience;
they were in almost full noise mode, and their music was too loud, fast, and
complex to be good to party to. especially in daylight, over a muddy, huge
PA. It was way too short.
Wow. ;) 
also, John Richardson sang some lines from "Underwhelmed" at the start of a
song, and Ian said hi to me.

Thrush Hermit (aka the Cliff Miller Band :) ) played (if my memory serves) 
AN ENTIRE SET OF STEVE MILLER COVERS. I could not stop laughing for half an
hour. I couldn't believe they would waste such a big oppurtunity to show off
their stuff, but I'm glad they did. It was simply the funniest thing that I
have ever seen at a rawk show. (I also glimpsed a certain Haligonian singing
the lyrics to "Jet Airliner" :) :)... and joined in.... )

treble charger.. like COH not quite the best set of theirs I've ever seen,
but certainly still very good. The wigs and Groucho Marx masks were funny,
and they managed to play well while being goofy and jumping around. The set
featured lots of stuff from their fab new EP (buy it now!!!!!), which I
actually knew this time around, and the odd old one ("10th Grade Love",
"Red"). No "Trinity Bellwoods" or "In Your Way", though - darn. yet another
reminder of why I love these guys so much.
The sound hurt them a lot too, though.. I remember seeing them in a small
club just before Edgefest II, and noticing how incredibly bad the sound at
the Ampitheatre was in comparison; this time, it was even worse.

..S L O A N. wow wow wow! this was both piles of fun and really depressing
at the same time. This was only my second show ever, unfortunately, and it
was much, much better than the last one. They were so great!! They did almost
all of my faves, including '500 Up and Sugartune', a couple that have fallen
to the back of my mind lately. Plus, of course, the many 2R faves, including
'Worried Now' (great), 'Coax Me', 'Penpals', and two surprises: 'Before I
Do', sped up, with Criss singing, and.. 'Bells On'. I couldn't believe they
played it, and it was just so wonderful... wow. (and seeing Shanan's face
when Criss started singing it just made my night. ;) :) )
I was sad when it was over.

2) FAMOUS PEOPLE. I met Criss, who was very nice and self-deprecating about
his drumming talent. I also stalked Patrick for about 200 yards before I
realized it was him, and he too proved to be really cool. also Moe from t-c
was his usual ebullient self, and I discovered that I'd gotten the names of
Greig and Bill mixed up for the past year. oops. nice guys though.

3) NOT-SO-FAMOUS PEOPLE. Well, aside from the absolutely insane number of my
friends or aquaintances I saw there, I ran into a bunch of Sloannetters.
Everyone I met ended up being way nicer than I could possibly have expected.
Shanan (again - nice dress, again ;) ) Carol (oh yeah - we've already met! ;)
;) :) :) ha haaaa...), the way-cool tara charger ;) and her non-netter friend
Jayson, Warren (of Oak Ridges - wow..), and the Haligonians - Shant, Katrina,
and Adam - were all way too cool. also was introduced to Jason Cumming (whose
hair isn't really that bad..) and damn, I'm forgetting someone. but it was
really nice.

all in all, a really fun day, except for the rain.
and I got an 'Edgefest single'. 

I'm gonna miss Sloan. 

a l e x 

PS tara set me up with lots of cool tunes (thanks a million! but the
videotape died! :( :( ).. and I just heard all the rarities (except "A Case
Of You")  for the first time. 
"Laying Blame" and "Amped" are *incredible* songs!!!!!!!

"sometimes, I can see everything.. most times, I just close my eyes.."

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